Hiking Zebra Slot Canyon

Hiking Zebra Slot Canyon

During our Utah road trip, we spent most of our time in National Parks but we also wanted to find some off-the-beaten-path areas to explore. After some careful planning, we decided to give hiking Zebra Slot Canyon a try.

There are so many great hikes in Utah's National Parks but we wanted to try something different. We had heard about Utah's slot canyons and knew it was a great idea for our Utah road trip.

Zebra Slot CanyonWe had never hiked a slot canyon before and Utah has plenty to choose from. After a little bit of research, Phil found Zebra Slot Canyon.

Since it was on our way from Bryce Canyon to Capitol Reef we decided to give it a try. Even after seeing all of Utah's National Parks our time in the slot canyon was our favorite hike.

If you are planning some hikes in Utah, hiking Zebra Slot Canyon is a must. Here is a hiking guide with everything you need to know about Zebra Slot Canyon.

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About Zebra Slot Canyon

Zebra Slot Canyon is one of the several slot canyons located in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Slot canyons are exactly what the names imply, slots made into canyons from rainfall.

The Zebra part of the name makes sense because this specific canyon has stripes, similar to a Zebra. The colors of the canyon mixed with the stripes are something unique you won't get to see in every other slot canyons, even nearby ones like peek a boo slot canyon.

Travel couple adventures at Zebra Slot Canyon

Where Is It

Zebra Slot Canyon is off Route 12 as you drive from Bryce Canyon National Park to Capitol Reef National Park. It is about an hour between the two National Parks.

We suggest putting "Zebra Slot Canyon trailhead" into google maps as it's located in the middle of nowhere. You will most likely lose service during your drive but if you are already mapping there then it will keep the route.

In case you like being extra prepared here are the directions we took.

  • While driving on route 12 turn right at the signs for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
  • Travel on a dirt and gravel road for about eight miles
  • At the third cattle guard, you will find a small parking area on your right
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The trailhead is on the left of the road with no signs. Once in the parking area, look for what looks like a trail opening across the dirt road.

How to Hike Zerba Slot Canyon

*Make sure you watch for incoming storms or water as you do not want to be caught in the wash or the Slot Canyon if a storm is coming through.*

Zebra Slot Canyon Hiking Guide

Length of the Hike

The total hike is about five miles roundtrip. The first two miles of the hike is relatively flat on dry dirt then the rest is exploring the Canyon.

We added another one mile total by exploring down another path after the slot canyon. You can even hook up another tunnel slot canyon to this route for a longer hike of around 7-8 miles in length.

Hiking to the Slot Canyon

The hike starts on flat ground before heading down into the wash. The trail is easy to follow as the path is easy to see on the dry dirt.

You will criss-cross the wash multiple times over the next two miles but return to the path on dry dirt. We had Phil's watch to guide us as well but if you keep an eye out for the trail you should be fine.

At some point, you will end up walking up to a swinging fence gate. You just have to push through the gate and continue on your way.

About Zebra Slot Canyon Hiking Trail

The main goal is too eventually get to a very open wash. Right before you get to this point you will come to an area where it can be hard to find the trail.

The easiest thing for us to do was to take our time. There were times we got turned around but if you just keep moving forward towards the main wash you will get there eventually.

The last half mile is walking along the wash that leads to the mouth of Zebra Slot Canyon. Once walking in the wash be prepared for sand that seems to absorb your every step so be prepared to slog through this area.

As the wash narrows, you will see the entrance to the slot canyon with rocks closing in on both sides. When we were there we saw only one other person before we got to the slot canyon but if you are going in the busier season this is where the people will be congregating so it won't be too hard to find.

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Entrance to Zebra Slot Canyon

Once in the Slot Canyon, you will navigate through the narrow path. We stopped at a point where you would have to climb up to a point above chest-level then turned around to leave the canyon.

What to Expect

Zebra Slot Canyon Hiking GuideSlot Canyons are not for the faint of heart as you have to speak through tight spaces. You will even have to climb to get through some cracks.

This was our first time in a slot canyon and we were not ready for how tight it is in there. When we say there are some tight squeezes we are not kidding.

We both had our water packs on during this hike and even those small water packs felt like they were huge in the canyon at times. Be prepared to use your arms to hoist yourself up and your back and legs to keep yourself upright.

We're not claustrophobic but we both had some panic moments in the canyon. That being said, there was a point where Kelsey had the thought "how am I going to get back?" and both of us thought, "we can't get stuck in this canyon!".

Kelsey Hiking Zebra Slot CanyonKelsey got further than Phil did because she finagled her way through the canyon. Phil said it's because shes is stronger and smarter than him so she was more efficient at climbing.

Be prepared for standing water in some parts. The nice part is the canyon walls are so close together that you can often just climb over the water.

The walls of the canyon are beautiful and are well named as they are stripped and just amazing to see up close and personal. Probably the best part about being inside the canyon is the fact that you can get such good pictures.

Often in nature, the pictures that we get, while beautiful, don't do the hike justice. In this case, the pictures that we ended up with are perfect. Phil Hiking Zebra Slot Canyon

Is it Worth It?

All of that talk of small spaces and off the beaten path trails might have you wondering if hiking Zebra Slot Canyon is worth it. We would definitively say that it is worth it.

Zebra Slot Canyon is a very accessible slot canyon, only eight miles off the main road connecting Bryce and Capitol Reef with a very flat trail leading to it. The views inside the canyon and even leading up to the canyon are spectacular.

That small space can be disconcerting for some people but even if you don't like small spaces you can go into the canyon just as far as you feel comfortable. You can get great pictures, explore a new area and you can challenge yourself both physically and mentally.

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The Zebra Slot Canyon hike in Escalante, Utah has been one of our most memorable moments. For us, this hike took our adventures to the next level and it is definitely one of the best slot canyons in Utah.

We will go back to visit one day and try to make it all the way through the canyon this time! Let us know if you want to join and we can explore together.

Hiking Zebra Slot Canyon

Our Zebra Slot Canyon Travel Video Diary

Hiking Guide for Zebra Slot Canyon