Unique Tips for Flying First Class Domestic

Unique Tips for Flying First Class Domestic

There's something that makes you feel so elite about flying first class. Maybe it's the fact that the rest of the plane has to stare at you while waiting to get to their smaller seats that add to the experience.

Airlines seem to sell the idea of an "exclusive front of the plane" experience. If first-class is not for you but you find yourself there one day it can seem like an entirely new flying adventure.

First Class USA Domestic Flying TipsEither you decided to splurge on a special trip or your frequent flyer points finally paid off but here you are sitting in first class trying to soak up every moment possible. Typical flying tips go the same for the first cabin but we've found there are other tips often not thought about that can help elevated your first-class trip.

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Bring a Pillow and Blanket

If having a pillow and blanket is important to you then you need to always bring one...even if flying first class. Typically a pillow and blanket is a perk of the first-class ticket but honestly, it's not a guarantee.

When it comes to flying, things happen. Late crew, late flights, and just overall people being human can lead to a lack of pillow/blankets on your flight.

Sometimes you can ask the crew and they can try to make it happen but it can be a no-go. Instead of getting bummed out, be prepared and relax in your extra-large seat in comfort. Cuddling up in first class

Even if your flight has pillow and blankets you need to remember they are "special" only because it's not offered to the entire plane. Typical first class pillows and blankets are nothing "special" in the real world.

Typically both are small and thin, helping a bit but not making a huge difference. Bringing your own helps to ensure you are getting the pillow and blanket you want.

Get Several Snacks

Most airlines now offer a little free snack such as peanuts or cookies but first-class offers a lot of snacks. Every airline we can think of walks around first-class with a little basket of goodies.

If your flight is a few hours long they come around a few times. Since we were so used to only getting one snack we timidly grabbed just one snack until a very sweet flight attendant said: "you know you can grab a few". This completely changed the game.

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Of course, you shouldn't grab the entire contents of the basket but at least grab 2-3 to choose from. It heightens the whole experience when you get to start with a salty snack but then finishes with a sweet treat.

Also having an extra snack in your bag helps. This way you have something if you get hungry later on.

Don't Go Crazy with Drinks

This is rookie move #1 and honestly, Kelsey still falls for it. FREE and UNLIMITED alcoholic drinks is a hard offer to pass up.

We're not saying don't drink any adult drinks but don't let the enticing offer fool you. You do not want to feel too drunk with the spins on a moving plane.

Not too mention no one wants to be that super drunk person on a plane. Plus if you are trying to rest, alcohol may help you fall asleep but it will not give you a well-rested nap.

Free drinks are not the only thing your first-class ticket is getting you. Enjoy a few drinks but be wary of going overboard all because you want to max out this opportunity. Free drinks in first class

When it comes to non-alcoholic drinks this advice still stands. We've found the flight attendants in first class come around more often offering drinks.

More drinks mean more trips to the bathroom. If soda is your go-to, all of those carbonated beverages can make you feel very bloated and lead to an uncomfortable flight.

Be Prepared for No TV

First-class seats are bigger and better with more legroom but unfortunately do not always come with a TV. A lot of people think "luxury experience" means TV and get a huge let down when they find themselves TV-less.

We've found the smaller planes are typically the ones lacking the TVs but we've been on some 4-hour flights sans TV's as well.

Some airlines offer are free streaming of their TV selection from your mobile device. But there's a catch...you need to download the app before take off.

You also need to make sure you have your phone charger. Most first-class seats have working outlets so as long as you have your cord you'll be good to go.

Pay Attention to Boarding

At this point, most airlines have signs outside the gate for boarding zones. This makes the whole process a lot easier.

However, you still need to be paying attention. Some airlines have the same line for first-class boarding and their priority customers but first-class still boards first (unless you are the top TOP tier frequent flyer).

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Now when we board we listen for "now boarding our first-class customers". At smaller gates be prepared to politely ask those in front of you not moving during the boarding process if they are boarding during that zone.

This way you still get to your seat during the right boarding time and get time to enjoy a drink before take-off.

Airplane Travel

Hopefully, when you find yourself enjoying the luxury of first-class our tips help you get the most out of your experience. We should warn you though, once you fly first class it's hard to go back to the economy life.

Tips for Flying First Class