Tips for Tiny House Living with Cats

Tiny House Living with Cats

After years of living small in a travel trailer, we found several simple ways to make tiny house living with cats better. Not just better for them but better for you too.

We have two cats, both of which did not sign up for the tiny home life but was more forced into it when we became traveling physical therapists. Since our cats didn't choose the travel life but adapted to it, we wanted to make sure they were happy living in a tiny house.

Trailer Living with CatsOur cats have traveled all over America relocating in a 94sqft tiny home and every new destination helped us learn new tricks and tips for living small with cats. We always try new things in hopes of helping them adjust better to a nomad life.

While trying to convince our cats small living is the way to go, we learned the do's and don'ts to tiny house living with cats. They still get to live large even if they have to share their small living space with two humans.

We're not sure because we can't read cat minds (or human minds) but at this point, we're starting to wonder if our cats prefer tiny home living. At the very least they don't hate it which is a glowing review from cats.

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Have a "Cat Space"

This is the biggest must-have when it comes to tiny house living with cats. They need their own space.

It doesn't have to take up a lot of space but your cats deserve at least a small portion of the tiny home that is set-up just for them. No excuses.

We lived in 94sqft and still found a way to give our fur babies a "cat loft". The cat loft had their food and water, a cat bed, and plenty of cat toys.

In addition to having their own cat space, make sure they have their own cat belongings. Have one blanket and/or pillow that is only for them.

Tips for tiny home living with cats

Groom Your Cats

Cat hair is like glitter. It gets everywhere and it's impossible to clean up.

Living in a small space makes it even more obvious just how much hair gets EVERYWHERE. You can't eliminate all cat hair but you can try to control it.

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We have an eco-friendly cat brush that takes up very little space but makes a big impact in the Schaub household. By brushing our cats only once a week we noticed a big improvement with the cat hair.

It only takes a few minutes and the cats love it. It's an easy way to say "hey thanks for going along with your owner's crazy idea that tiny home living is the way to go"

How to keep you cats happy in a tiny house

Use Larger Covered Litter Boxes

This may be the number one tip for living small with cats. We bought large top entry covered litter boxes from Amazon and it was life-changing.

When we first moved into our tiny travel trailer, figuring out where to put the litter boxes was very tricky. It seems no matter where we put them, we could always smell the litter.

Make small living with cats betterWe also had trouble with our cats being messy pee'ers and getting some outside of the boxes. It's never fun to have cat pee outside the litter box but it's even worse if you live in one room.

These covered litter boxes keep the smell in, keep the urine in, and help keep litter from going all over your tiny house. Our cats love them too which is always a perk.

For an extra tip, try using Tidy Cats Glade Cat Litter. We switched to it a few years back and noticed immediately how well it helps with smells. We're not so crazy that we think cat litter ever smells "good" but it smells better than any other option we've tried.

Provide Some "Hiding Spots"

There will be days when your cats are not happy with tiny house living. Maybe they want some space away or they're not happy with noises happening right outside.

With a large house, cats can easily find places to escape but tiny home living can be a different story. Make sure there is an easy to access spot where your cat can hide and feel out of reach.

You might not be able to custom build your tiny home with specific cat hiding spots, but you can always make do with what you have. Look around and get creative or buy your cat something to hide in.

Make small living better for your cats

Give Cats Access to a Window

We are lucky and have no window shortage in our travel trailer but we have seen other RVs where windows are scarce. Even if you only have one window in your tiny house, make sure your cats have access to it.

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Our cats are strictly indoor but that doesn't mean they don't love staring at birds and sunbathing in a nice sunspot. Since we have two cats we make sure there are two windows they have access too.

If you can open the window that's even better so your cats can enjoy all the different outdoor smells. Even if you can only crack the window an inch, it will make a huge impact for your kitties.

Living in a tiny house with cats

When we bought our travel trailer we were very worried about our cats. We wanted to make sure it was a fair trade to them.

Hopefully, our cats love the tiny house life as much as us. We love being on this crazy adventure with them.

If you have any more suggestions please send them our way. We like to spoil our cats as much as possible.

Tips for Tiny Home Living with Cats