Tiny Home Tips: Making the Most of Minimalist Living

After several years of living in our own travel trailer, we picked up some tiny home tips. Learn from our trials and errors so you can jump right into tiny home living.

Even though we retired the tiny travel trailer, we had so many fun adventures and memories to last us a lifetime. However, if we could do it all again, we would change up a thing or two.

As a side note, we count anything as a tiny home that's small living. It could be a permanent tiny house, an RV, a trailer, or something more unique.

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Be Ready To Downsize

Even if you are going from a tiny apartment into a tiny housing option, you will need to downsize. A lot of tiny home options have items built-in, especially storage so you'll probably get rid of some unnecessary shelves.

We were able to fit everything we owned into a Honda Civic and we still had to get rid of a bit more when we finally moved into the travel trailer.

Find the Right Option for You

As with any home purchase, you should pick something right FOR YOU. Don't mind what works for others and instead find what will work best for your lifestyle.

A permanent option didn't work for our nomadic lifestyle relocating for job assignments so right away we veered towards more mobile options. We decided on a tear-drop travel trailer over a van and it was exactly what we needed.

Take the time before you make a final decision to ensure a home that may be tiny but still meets all your needs. There are so many choices out there making it easier to find the perfect match.

Embrace Minimalist Items

Living in a small home means less space for stuff. Place a focus on minimalism and own items that you use.

We suggest finding minimalist items that are versatile or compact. This way they serve several purposes and at the moment don't take up too much space.

Be Ready for a Few Fails

You can plan for every foreseeable mishap and there will still be a few failures along the way. Living in a tiny home comes with certain complications that are unavoidable.

Related  Easy Ways to be More Minimalist

Be ready to take a few L's and try to handle it in stride. Enjoy the crazy moments as much as the good ones because it makes for some fun stories.

Living Small Might Not be for Everyone

Before joining the small living community, take some time to decide if that's best for you. We already spent so much time together we didn't mind the idea of living 24hrs in 94 liveable sqft.

However just because we liked it, doesn't mean everyone will. If you are going to have a roommate, make sure you guys can deal with the close quarters without wanting to murder each other.

If you are living solo, ensure that a tiny home is what you. We feel it's worth the freedom but if the negatives outweigh the positives, you may want to reconsider if this is the route for you to take.

Tiny Home Living Tips