Thrifting Benefits: Sustainable Style & Budget-Friendly Finds

Thrifting Benefits

If you aren't sold on thrift shopping, you are missing out. There are so many thrifting benefits for you, your wallet, and the planet.

During our time in Santa Fe, we tried finding ways to be more eco-friendly and thrifting was top on the list. Even though we initially started thrifting because of the environmental benefits, it ended up being so much more than that.

When going to thrift stores became our new normal we saw how perfectly it fit every aspect of our simplicity lifestyle. Not only is it great for the planet but it's budget-friendly and great for minimalists.

So here's why you need to start shopping at thrift stores. Even if you don't buy everything there, it should at least be your first stop.

The way we see it, there are 3 main reasons to go thrifting.

  1. Eco Friendly
  2. Budget Friendly
  3. Minimalist Friendly

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Eco Friendly Thrifting Benefits

environmental benefits of thrift storesAs we already mentioned, the whole reason we started thrifting was because of the environment. Buying from second-hand stores is an easy way to be eco-friendly with little to no effort and here's why.

Using Up Waste

It might not be nice to call things "waste" but when you think about it that's what everything is. In the end, everything you own laying around your house will someday be waste.

Of course, one's man garbage is another man's treasure. So instead of these items going straight to the dump, you can give it a second life.

By buying from thrift stores you are essentially gathering up waste and putting it to good use. Instead of it just sitting there, something already made will get more use.

Less New Production

Production of new items will always task the environment. Unfortunately, even the most eco-friendly stores will produce some emissions.

Any type of facility needs resources to run, produce, and deliver goods. So the best way to decrease the environmental impact of new production is to avoid it.

The items in thrift stores are already made so any impact their production had on the environment has been made. So use up those items instead of driving up the production of new items.

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Budget-Friendly Thrifting Benefits

It's probably no secret that shopping at a thrift store is typically cheaper than retail stores. One of the ways we saved money furnishing our new home was by buying as much as possible from thrift stores.

Discount Prices

The main reason you save money at thrift stores is that everything is sold at a discounted rate. Since you are buying used, you don't have to pay full price.

We've found items that still have the tag but since they were previously "owned" the final price is cut in half. Even in boutique thrift stores, the prices are lower than the retail value.

If you have time to really look around, most thrift stores have clearance items or a special for the day. So basically you can find deals on something that's already at a lower price and save even more money.

Want Less

Another way you save money by shopping at thrift stores is by buying less. For the most part, when you go into your favorite retail store you want to buy EVERYTHING.

When shopping at thrift stores you have to look around and find things you really like. Even if you're having a great thrifting day, your total haul will be less.

So, in the end, you save money all because there were fewer things you wanted to buy. Buying fewer items means less money coming out of your budget.

Minimalist Friendly Thrifting Benefits

Minimalism and thrift stores go together like PB& least we think so. Shopping at thrift stores helps us maintain our minimalist lifestyle with less effort.

Buy Less

The main reason we (by we, we mean Kelsey) love thrift stores is that you can go on a crazy "shopping spree" returning home with bags full of more stuff. You get the experience and it feels like you shopped till you dropped but you really only got a few things.

You typically end up buying less just because of the store's inventory. It's not like a typical retail store where you find something you like and find it in every size and 5 different colors.

You have to find things you like and in the size you want. Even if the stars have aligned, you can only find so many things that you love enough to buy.

Higher Turnover

We both own less than 100 clothing items so there is only so much variety with our wardrobe. Phil likes buying the same exact items and just replacing them as needed.

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Kelsey on the other hand is a little fashionista. She loves getting new clothes and trying new looks. This conflicts a bit with a minimalist lifestyle but thrift stores help to find a balance.

Since you are buying used, the clothes will get worn down faster. This way you buy the item, get some good use out of it then get to find something else once it's no longer wearable.

Why thrift shopping benefits you

We love thrift stores and we think you should too. There are so many benefits to thrift shopping that you don't want to miss out on.

You don't have to shop at thrift stores for everything but even a few times can make a big impact. At least give it a try and see how it goes.

Thrifting Benefits for you, the planet, and your wallet