Simple Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling

How To Stay Healthy Traveling

You know those people who just never get sick...well we are not one of them. Add that to our nomad lifestyle and we were in some serious need of finding ways to stay healthy while traveling.

Any time you travel, it's easy to forget healthy habits. I mean we get it, you're on vacation, not some health retreat.

But since we don't live in a bubble the choices you make will have a ripple effect. By completely neglecting your health while traveling you might be setting yourself up for failure.

So what is one to do? How do you stay healthy while traveling the world?

Maintain Wellness While TravelingYou find simple things you can do that don't take a lot of effort but are effective. The goal here is

  1. You'll actually do it
  2. It actually works

Through a little bit of trial and error of our own, we have come up with easy ways to stay healthy while being full-time travelers. This way we maintain our healthy habits while exploring till our heart's content.

And when we're talking about our health, we’re talking about everything and anything. A big part is fighting off germs but you also need to take care of your body, mind, and soul.

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We feel this is one of THE most important things you can do while traveling. Without fail if we don't hydrate when we go to a new place we are tired and sluggish the next day.

Bringing our water bottles with us when we travel helps us stay ahead of the hydration. Free drinks on a flight or picking up drinks at the gas station work too but there is nothing better than ice-cold water to make us feel better.

How We Stay Healthy While Traveling

Get Up at 5 AM

We have talked about this before but it's extra important when traveling. You might think you want to sleep in on your vacation but waking up at 5 am is just what you need to get your day going right.

It can help regulate you to a new time zone while also keeping you synced to your normal habits. Trust us, this helps your mental health while traveling immensely.

When we are up by 5 AM we can get work done and still see the sights. Or see the sights early before the crowds and come back for a nap.

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Waking up Early to Stay Healthy

Face Mask

Travel Wellness TipsKelsey saw on twitter a picture of Naiomi Campbell traveling with a cloth facemask. It seems like overkill to some but we realized it's not the worst idea.

We bought a cloth face mask on Amazon and it changed our flights for the better. Airplanes can have dry air and the mask helped to keep our nose and throat from drying up as well.

Not sure how much was in our heads, but we did notice less sore throats and head colds. We don't wear the mask the whole time but usually when we have long flights or are napping.

* This post was written before the 2020 pandemic. At this time masks are strongly advised and in some places mandatory. Please wear a mask. *

Find a Park

Even if you don't have kids we're all kids at heart. Finding a park in the city you're visiting is a great FREE and HEALTHY activity.

Exploring the playground and swinging are both great ways to get some fitness activities in while on vacation. Some parks even have monkey bars and other climbing equipment

When we explored Las Cruces we found a park with robes and monkey bars plus a fitness court down the road. We ended up getting in a 45-minute workout while also checking out a new travel destination.

Playing in Parks to Stay Healthy Traveling

Cook a Meal

We are not always able to cook when we travel but it always a goal. Not only does it save you money but makes it easier to eat the right ingredients.

There is always a grocery store around and you get to control what you eat. Even if we don't have a kitchen, buying fruits and vegetables is an easy way to eat better.

This doesn't mean you have to compromise on taste either. If you are in Mexico, go to the grocery store, buy some authentic Mexican cuisine and have yourself a feast!


Vaseline is one of those products Kelsey's grandma swears is a fix-all remedy (FYI, she also loves Witch Hazel). So Kelsey grew up always having a little vaseline container with her.

Once we became avid travelers we realized just how handy vaseline could be. For dry skin and lips its the perfect intensive moisturizer when constantly changing climates.

Then one day we saw on Pinterest this idea to put a little vaseline on the inside of your nose, right at the opening. Now, we have NO scientific research on this but some travelers say this seems to help with not getting sick when traveling by plane or train.

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This might be our go-to wellness tip when traveling. We try to walk everywhere!

Walking is a very effective form of exercise and it doesn't take any equipment so it is easy to do when you travel. This way you explore and exercise at the same time.

Find a new town, walk around everywhere, rinse and repeat. That's the Schaub travel exercise plan.

Since we also love running so at times are walk is a run but it still gets the same job done. Exploring while also getting a cardio workout in.

Walking Around to Explore

Hand Sanitizer

Using hand sanitizer is more publicized now but it is important no matter when you travel. Travel surfaces on planes, trains, and automobiles can get pretty disgusting quickly.

Packing hand sanitizer and using it regularly keeps your hands clean to handle anything life throws your way. It also saves other people from catching any germs you might be spreading around.

For the sake of everyone, use hand sanitizer while traveling. It's an easy way to stay healthy while traveling.

Tips for staying healthy while traveling


Along the same lines as the hand sanitizer, try to use wipes while traveling. Wipes can help keep surfaces you interact with safe for you and other travelers.

We always carry a small package of wipes and whip them out when we get on a plane. That way we can clean everything real quick and be ready for a safe, clean flight.


This is an easy one that we probably don't have to convince you to do. But trust us, when we vacation, we rest HARD.

Make sure when you are booking your lodging for your trip you book it with rest in mind. You want to make sure it has some great sleeping arrangements, an awesome TV setup to lull you to sleep, and a great location so you can enjoy the views right from your room.

Resting While Traveling

We use these easy to do travel wellness tips when flying, on a road trip, or even on a nearby staycation. This way we can stay healthy traveling and be ready for our many adventures.

How To Stay Healthy When Traveling