Why Simplicity is Important in Life: Embracing the Power of Less

Simple walkway into a beautiful garden

Clearly, we think simplicity is important. It is part of our site's tagline...a travel and simplicity blog.

But why did we even latch onto it? Why is it such a big part of our lives?

It’s a hard question to answer but lucky for us, we have a whole blog post to map it out. Way before we even truly understood its meaning, simplicity played such a big role in our lives.

Simple incense waterfallA simplistic lifestyle was almost a natural shift the universe was pushing us towards. Then it suddenly became a permanent shift in way of life.

The beauty of simplicity is that it looks different for everyone but the impact is the same. A better way of living, however you decide to do it.

We guess this post should really be called, why you need simplicity in your life or something along those lines. Because simple living isn't just owning less stuff or doing nothing.

It's an end goal that will have a lasting positive effect. The truth about simplicity is that it's not one idea but a life-changing concept.

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Better Use of Time

If we picked one aspect of life where simplicity has the biggest impact, it's time. It's time to make better use of your time...get it?

Time is something that always seems to be running out. There is no way to get more of it but there is a way to get better use of what you do have.

This is where the importance of simplicity comes in. Keeping it simple often leads to less time wasted and the appearance of more room in a day.

We read an article years ago about Fortune 500 CEOs and how they credit some of their success to wearing similar suits every day. Now, it's not the outfits that did the trick but the time and brainpower saved every morning.

It might not seem like a lot but the five minutes spent picking what to wear adds up. So instead of using this time on outfit selection, they spent it on a work decision or something else more important.

We're not saying you should go home and get a monochromatic wardrobe and suddenly everything is fixed. But this concept works for everyone, not just successful CEOs.

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Since we can't change the minutes in a day, alter how you use it. And the more simple you make it, the more time you have leftover.

Beautiful green landscape with trees and a blue sky

Happiness in Simplicity

Simple morning with a waterfall treeOur favorite way to describe simplicity in life is "focusing on the parts that matter". This idea might seem arbitrary but it works.

For more happiness, there needs to be more time spent on the parts that have a positive impact and less focus on the parts that take away.

If you feel like life is passing you by with little enjoyment, then think of something simple that makes you happy and make time for it every day. It really is as simple as just slowing down and shifting your focus.

There will always be some aspects of life you don't enjoy and can't really change like a dreaded work assignment. But on that same day, there is availability for a moment that adds to your life.

Kelsey loves drinking coffee in the morning, not because of the caffeine boost but the moment. Having a nice warm drink as you slowly wake up just has a certain vibe to it.

But life moves fast and a morning coffee routine suddenly turned into a "drink while at work" thing. This was slowly draining away the joy it used to bring and was no longer adding to life but becoming a chore.

Instead of this nice moment, it became "how quick can I finish this before it gets cold". This moment was just trying to do too much at once and it wasn't accomplishing the goal to slow down.

So we reevaluated and went back to simplicity. Wake up early and drink a cup of coffee.

That's it. That's all it took for the power of simplicity to have a positive impact on life.

The 10 minutes it takes has a beneficial influence on an entire day. All you have to do is find the small things that make you happy and focus on them.

Living with Less Stress

We live in a fast-paced society that's always moving and always growing. So you try to keep up by
burning the candle at both ends.

This is a stressful way to live and leads you towards a never-ending finish line. There will always be more to do and the stress will continue to pile up until it's suffocating.

Before this type of lifestyle takes over you need to break the vicious cycle and slow it down. It's time to uncomplicate things and the best way to do that is to keep it simple.

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Don't try to do 10 things in a day, just go for five. Instead of making big changes try for little adjustments over the week.

The more simple you can make it, the better. As you start to break things down and go for the "less is more" route, slowly things will decompress and become easier.

Morning sunrise coming up over a rocky mountain range

Simplify Your Life

We wish we could say "okay do this and that and there you go" but that's not how simplicity works. It's a trial and error process that is yours to make and should be catered to you.

So when answering the question "why is simplicity important in life?" just remember it gives you back control. Control over time, happiness, and even mental health.

Once you find ways to simplify aspects of your life, you'll be better off. Your entire outlook on life will change for the better.

We can't control everything but there are parts of every day that you get to decide. So for the sake of simplicity slow it down, keep it simple and see the positive impact of living simply.

Dark morning in the city with text - Why Simplicity has a Positive Impact on Life