Why We Live a Life of Simplicity: Enjoying Simple Living

MLMR Travel

Simple living is all the rage so it's no surprise we sort of jumped on the bandwagon and decided to live a life of simplicity. It has allowed us to life in a way that aligns with

Obviously with us living a nomadic lifestyle and enjoying some of the finer things in life while galivanting around the world, some might disagree that we embrace simple living. But to us, simplicity is all about putting the focus where it counts and letting the other stuff slide away.

Since we have a travel and lifestyle blog, we initially embraced the word "simplicity" because we quickly realized it encompasses all of our lifestyle choices in one way or the other. Then the further we got into our simple life journey, the more we feel in love with the lifestyle.

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Have Time for the Parts That Matter

There is a finite amount of time in the day and if you are ever like us, you may find yourself trying to fit in everything and anything. This leads to a lot of cramming and feeling like you never get to anything.

So simplicity comes into play by breaking it down to what really matters and focusing there. We quickly saw it's not how many hours in a day you have but how you use them.

Now we focus on less but make sure it's the parts that add the most to our lives. Instead of feeling like were always on the go, we were able to slow down and smell the roses.

We don't worry about doing it all but make sure to start simple and go from there. Kelsey heard a metaphor one time about a jar being filled with rocks, pebbles, and sand.

If you start with he small stuff (the sand) you can't get everything in the jar but if you start with the big stuff (the rocks), then the pebbles, then the sand...you will be able to fit everything. So when we embrace simplicity, we focus on the rocks.

Fill up your life with the big stuff and what adds to your life making you happier. From there everything else will be filled in as necessary.

Live with Less Stress

One of the easiest ways to decrease stress is to simplify things and go from there. The possibilities are endless.

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Since we're minimalists, we only own what adds to our lives which leaves less clutter to organize and get in the way. We only put so many activities on our list to complete so we don't get overwhelmed including when we vacation.

During our travels, we have some bougee parts, but for the most part, we keep it simple. We love a nice room where we can relax and only plan a few outings a day so we have downtime as well.

Slowing it down and simplifying is the perfect reset when everything is moving too fast and causing nothing but stress. There is a famous expression for a reason...Keep it Simple, Stupid.

When you feel like you are always on the go without a chance to catch your breath, embracing simplicity can be a complete game changer. You feel like you have time to live your life without sacrificing.

Simplicity is our lifestyle vibe.

Living a simple life doesn't mean a boring life.