Simple Phone Blogging Tasks You Can Do While Traveling

Simple Phone Blogging Tasks

Running our blog is a lot of work and since travel is a big part of our site...we are constantly on the move. To keep up with growing the site while on the road, we have simple phone blogging tasks that are so easy we can do it in just a few minutes.

Smartphones are one of the most underrated yet most used travel accessories. We always have our phones on us and even though it's such a small device, it can do so much.

daily blogging tasks you can do from your phone While waiting in line to board a plane or traveling in a cab we can pull out our phones and turn downtime into productive blogging time. Even when we road trip, Kelsey will knock out some blogging tasks while riding shotgun.

Now if you need some time to relax then, by all means, enjoy it but know that you at least have options. You don't have to just wait there staring into nowhere.

Sometimes we get antsy with all the waiting associated with traveling so being able to pull out a handheld device and get things done is extremely helpful. So during the boring parts of traveling, we check off a few blogging tasks and save time later.

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Pinterest Blogging Tasks

ways to blog from your phonePinning takes up about 75% of blogging tasks we do from our phones. When working from home we can use our computers but it is so EASY to not only make pins but publish and schedule them all from our phones.

If we have downtime while traveling the very first task we do is make a few new pins. Then we either publish them right away or schedule for later.

Since we get most of our visitors from Pinterest this is a great use of our time. If we have five minutes, we can make and publish a new pin, that can get an instant 10-20 visitors right away.

simple blogging tasks you can do on the road

Social Media Blogging Tasks

We like to consider that when it comes to Social Media, there is Pinterest, then everything else. So after spending some time on Pinterest, we like to spend time on other forms of social media to increase our reach.

Currently, (in addition to Pinterest) we have Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and TikTok. We can use all of these apps to get more love on our site.

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From our phones, we can

  1. Share a post
  2. Write an update
  3. Engage with followers

daily blogging tasks you can easily do from your phone

Update Pictures

Even though we like to consider ourselves travel bloggers, we have to admit we are seriously lacking in the picture department. We only use our phones and GoPro so it makes it pretty easy to get some more pictures for our site.

Sometimes we look around and try getting creative with pic opportunities around us. Then if we like the pictures enough we can add them to our site right from our phone.

We also look back at old pictures and see if we have better options. Since we keep our pictures on both Amazon Photos and Google Photos, we can access hundreds of photos all from our cell phones.

Blogging Brainstorming

Technically you can do some good old blog brainstorming without a phone, but it helps to have something nearby to write down ideas. We use Evernote to keep track of our ideas and make sure we don't forget anything.

Typically we like to brainstorm ideas for

  1. New blog posts
  2. Pin Ideas

Another pretty productive way to brainstorm for our blog is by looking at our blog's insight. We look at our WordPress app to see posts that are doing well and see if there are other related posts we could write.

simple blogging tasks to do from your phone

Adjust Our Blogging Schedule

blogging tasks you can do from your phoneGoogle Calander and Tasks are what keeps us organized. Between working and blogging, we try to set aside the first Sunday of the month to layout our game plan for the next few weeks.

We can adjust or add to our plan from our phones. This way we can keep organized without losing a beat.

We can also use our phones to double-check and make sure the craziness of traveling didn't make us forget anything. This allows us to be relaxed on the go, knowing our phone is there to remind us of anything we forgot.

Improve Old Posts

When we look back at some of our old posts it makes us cringe. Some of our posts have so much potential but just needs a little something-something.

Since we use WordPress, you can technically write and publish a post from your phone. For us, that big of a blogging task is not exactly user friendly...but adjusting that's another story.

If you already have a completed post with the correct formatting and pictures, it's easy to add in new sentences or double-check grammatical errors. We like looking at posts we feel should be performing better and see what we can do.

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blogging tasks you can do from a smart phone

Blogging on the Go

We love being able to complete simple blog tasks from our phones because it helps us save time later. It can be a nice way to be productive during an otherwise unproductive time.

Just make sure to not go too overboard. Life is about balance and it's okay if sometimes you just want to relax on your phone instead of working on it.

Phone Blogging Tasks We Do on the Road