Visiting Silver Falls State Park: Waterfalls & Wilderness

We had the perfect PNW outdoor adventure visiting Silver Falls State Park in Oregon. If we summed up our time in three words it would be: camping, hiking, and rain.

These might not be the words that attract the general masses but for those with a wandering heart and affinity for nature, it's a win-win. We were already sold on the idea that Oregon seems to be a world of its own and our Silver Fall State Park adventure proved this even more.

So if you love the rain, being surrounded by trees, long hikes with endless waterfalls, and feeling like an Ewok will jump out at any minute, add Silver Falls to your Oregon travel bucket list immediately.

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Where is Silver Falls State Park

Even in the world of google maps, sometimes it's nice to give a general idea of where somewhere is located. It only seems fair since we're encouraging others to go check out Silver Falls State Park you may need more details than us simply saying it's located in Oregon.

The area is located close to Salem, Oregon near the Northwest section of the state south of Portland and slightly inland. The exact address is 20024 Silver Falls Hwy SE, Sublimity OR 97385 and this includes the entire park...all 9,000 acres of beautiful forests and waterfalls.

The drive from Portland to Silver Falls State Park is about one and a half hours of driving through a decent amount of rural areas. There are even train options but since we drove our car we can't speak too much about that option for transport.

Silver Falls State Park Camping

To get the most out of your experience we cannot suggest enough that you should camp at Silver Falls State Park instead of just driving in for a day adventure. Even if you only want to stay a night, it will significantly add to your time to unwind in nature.

The camping part might have been our favorite part of the entire trip, with the hiking being the second best. We reserved the site online at Reserve America.

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We're not 100% sure if you have to reserve online ahead of time but we know it's a very busy campground since it's located in the park itself. Our advice as planners would be to play it safe and reserve a site.

There are some sites for horses and no, you cannot reserve those if you do not have an animal companion with you. It seems most of the basic campsites allow dogs.

You can choose from sites with electrical hookups or tent sites. There are also some cabins and options with accessibility.

There are water stations throughout and central bathhouses for use. They have running water which is always a nice bonus when on a camping trip, at least Kelsey thinks so.

You can buy a firewood bundle for five dollars as there are fire rings at the sites to use. Just make sure to check the fire safety level while you are visiting.

Best Campsite at Silver Falls State Park

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, at least that's how the saying goes. All of the campsites are amazing being surrounded by trees but there are a few tent options that stick out as being a bit extra special.

Tent Campsite 54: We stayed at tent campsite 54 and we were very impressed. Philip had done a bit of research before booking it so we knew ahead of time we were getting a good selection.

This site was situated near the tree line and had a good amount of distance between its neighboring sites. There were also a few spots flat enough for our tent so we had more variability at our fingertips.

A creek is behind the tree line, not super close but enough to hear the running water as light background noise. It's a nice little addition but not the main selling point.

Tent Campsite 65: A quick internet search pops up as tent campsite 65 being the best site at Silver Falls State Park and honestly after walking by it, we might have to agree. We can't speak from personal experience but it's a nice spot for sure.

The site is probably the most secluded option and with its location right by a bridge, the view is quite spectacular. South Fork Silver creek is close along the back side which gives even more privacy plus an added nature soundtrack.

Tent Campsite 60: As one final honorable mention we wanted to include tent campsite 60. It's a good mix of both campsite 54 and campsite 65 as it's along the same tree line and closer to the creek than 54.

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There is also a decent amount of space between the nearby campsites. If the other two are booked up, this is a good option and not just as a consolation prize.

Silver Falls State Park Trails

If you're looking for things to do in Silver Falls States Park the main answer is hiking. Well, that and camping.

The trails are to die for. If you're a waterfall lover and who isn't, you will not be disappointed

Trail of Ten Falls

Silver Falls State Park Trail of Ten Falls is easily one of our favorite hikes of all time. It's a loop a little over seven miles and you get to guessed it, ten waterfalls.

You even get to walk behind several waterfalls. The most known fall to walk behind is called South Falls and be prepared to get a bit wet.

We went while it was raining so our rain gear was already wet but your face will get a light spray for sure. North Falls is the other fall you definitely want to go behind but has a bit more space.

Our hike went counter-clockwise beginning at Rim trail and then traversing our way to Canyon Trail. This was a fun way to go because then we ended with the bigger more famous fall at the end.

You have to be aware of offshoots from the trail to get to each waterfall. Some are a quick little detour to get to the main viewing area.

Silver Falls State Park Campground Trail

There is a small trail at the campsite going from the camping areas to the South Falls Day-Use Area. Plus a little Nature Trail loop.

It's very flat and makes for a nice, chill hike in the trees. An easy trek to add to your little getaway.

Is Silver Falls State Park Worth Visiting?

In our opinion, absolutely, Silver Falls State Park is more than worth the trip. You get to be immersed in Oregon trees and see a ton of waterfalls.

It's an easy trip from Portland and is a great way to slow down a bit. It's the perfect opportunity to get away from busy hustle and bustle while getting lost in nature.