How You Can Save Money Traveling with a Buddy

Save Money Traveling with a Buddy

We are obviously big advocates of traveling with someone else since we're married we're kind of a package deal. But after years of traveling and many vacations later we started noticing all the ways we save money traveling with a buddy.

For us, buddy means each other but it could be anyone. Having any other person to split the bills can make a big difference in your vacation budget.

How to Save Money Traveling as a PairThere are more obvious ways you can save a dime by having another person to travel with but there are also more subtle ways. Having a travel companion might be one of the easiest ways to travel for less.

So grab yourself a friend or partner and hit the open road. Save money while also spending time with someone you love.

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ways travel couples can save moneyThe most obvious and common way to save money while traveling with a partner is with lodging accommodations. Rooms are typically the same price if you have one or two people so it's almost like a BOGO.

If you want to save even more money you can travel with several buddies at the same time. The more the merrier since splitting the bills more ways will mean less out of your wallet.

We also found this to be true of campsites as well and rentals like Airbnb. Any way to bring down lodging costs is a win in our book.


Going out to eat is part of the traveling experience but it can be an area where your money goes the fastest. Going to restaurants is expensive so why not save a little money by spitting meals.

We're not saying you should starve yourself but a lot of times meals are too big for one person and can easily fill up two people. By splitting the meal you save money and stop yourself from a stomach ache.

We really like finding restaurants that also provide a freebie like chips or bread. This way you can fill up even more but for half the price!



We typically get a rental car for our USA trips and since the price is based on days, not how many people are in the car we essentially split the cost. Now if you try adding both people on as drivers that might cost a bit more so try to stick to one driver and one co-pilot.

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When we were in Cook Islands, the popular item to rent was a scooter. Luckily, the scooters sit two people so again, you pay for only one scooter but have transportation for long as you're okay with being close.


ways couples save money while travelingHotel shuttles are tricky, some are free which is great but others cost a flat fee per person. A lot of times people think this is the cheapest option but we found going with a cab or Lyft can be the better choice.

This is where saving money can get a tad bit confusing so let's break it down. If you have two people and the flat rate for the shuttle is 15 bucks but a cab is only 25 total with save money.

Instead of each paying $15 you pay $12.50. We understand that's not a huge difference but every dollar adds up when trying to save money.

Plus not only do you save a bit of money but it's less hassle and you get more control. Keep in mind you have to price compare because there have been times where the shuttle has been the better deal.

In places where a shuttle or public transport isn't an option, traveling with a buddy makes transportation cheaper since you have to take a cab and now you can split the cost.

How a travel buddy can save you money


Airlines have bag limits and weight limits and if you go over either of these you'll be hit with a hefty fee. By having a travel buddy you can typically split belongings to even everything out.

This is where traveling as a couple really helps. We meet a lot of couples where one packs too much and the other has their bag barely filled.

Kelsey can sneak an extra pair of shoes thanks to Phil's extreme minimalist wardrobe without having to pay for another bag. You should still try to pack like a minimalist but sometimes you really want to bring something that just won't fit in your bag but would fit in your buddy's stuff.

With weight requirements, having a travel companion can also come in to save the day. If one bag is 40 pounds and the other is 60 just change some things around so both bags fit the 50-pound limit perfectly and you avoid the extra fee.

Entrance Fees

Thanks to Groupon a lot of people realized you can save by buying a 2-for-1 and a lot of entrance fees are the same way. Of course, not everywhere does this but you'd be surprised how many places offer a discount when you buy more than one ticket.

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The only catch here is that you have to make sure it's to a place already on the travel budget itinerary. If you get a BOGO ticket of $10 but it's to a place you were going to visit, now you spent 10 dollars instead of saving 10 dollars.

How couples save money traveling together

These are just the ways we have saved money while traveling together. We bet there is a lot of other examples we haven't thought of.

Even if it only seems like saving a few dollars here and there it can make a big difference. By saving money you might be able to travel more without breaking the bank.

Even if it's not a romantic partner, anyone you like spending time with can be the perfect travel buddy.

How traveling with a buddy saves money