How to be a Prepared Minimalist During a Disaster

How to be a Prepared Minimalist During a Disaster

We are planners and minimalists, both of which fit very well together but being a prepared minimalist during a disaster is a completely different story. You have to figure out a new way to make more with less.

Finding a balance between minimalism and survivalism takes some getting used to. We love being minimalists but understood this may conflict with our emergency preparedness.

How to be a Prepared Minimalist During a DisasterWhen the current pandemic hit, there was a lot of panic buying causing us to consider if we should put minimalism aside for the moment. How do you prep for a disaster while only owning the bare minimum?

While wanting to retain our minimalist lifestyle we hit the stores intending to only buy what we needed. We found that the best way to be a prepared minimalist is to realize what you need right now is different from your situation weeks ago.

We found our minimalist version of emergency preparedness. Not to brag but we think we found the secret tricks and tips to being a minimalist prepper ready for whatever life has to throw at us.

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Don't Over Buy

We understand it's hard to not follow the bandwagon and stockpile like everyone else. Going crazy with over-buying everything and anything is not necessary and can hurt in the long run.

It's fine to buy a little extra than you typically would but you don't need an entire basement full. Think of buying what you need and then a bit more if it helps you feel better.

Preparing for disaster as a minimalist

Have Extra Cash

If there is one area we get being less minimalist during a disaster, it's cash. It's a great idea to have a little extra cash on hand to be more prepared.

Don't take out your life savings but just a few extra twenties. Think of it as "easy cash on hand" if needed.

When the stay-at-home order went into effect, we were able to use our cash to help out some small restaurants nearby by ordering take out. We ended up getting delicious Mexican food while helping out a neighbor.

Embrace Buying Essentials

During a disaster, it does not hurt to be slightly more prepared when it comes to essentials. We're not suggesting you go crazy but it's smart to have one extra of the essentials

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Again...ONE extra. So instead of one week's worth on groceries, get two weeks.

Since the toilet paper fiasco was such a big deal we can't forget to mention it. It makes sense to want toilet paper but instead of getting a million packs just get ONE extra pack.

Finding a balance between minimalism and survivalism

Buy What You Enjoy

In the minimalist world, you should buy what you need, not what you want. When it comes to disasters you may want to be more lax on this idea.

What we are trying to say is when buying your emergency preparedness items, focus on what you need but consider if you also enjoy it. Because if you don't enjoy using it, you likely won't use it, whether there is an emergency or not.

Please do not go out and buy materialistic things but if you enjoy reading it might be a good time to buy an extra book to pass the time. If you are stocking up on some extra food, buy foods you enjoy eating instead of going crazy with beans and rice.

Minimalist version of emergency preparedness


Minimalist living is simple living. They go hand in hand.

Even during a disaster, you can simplify. The more you simplify, the easier your lifestyle is to manage.

This is a great time to use less and then you need less. Focus on one hobby or task.

Simplifying your meals is another great way to tackle food buying. When we went to get food during the pandemic, we decided to focus on just a few of our favorite meals.

We would have gone crazy trying to meal plan and get everything at once. Our shopping trip was easier to buy one pasta dish, one frozen meal and, one type of snack.

Use Creativity

The best way to get more from less is by using creativity. Find ways to reuse items or find multiple purposes for one item.

We already love DIY cleaning ideas to be more eco-friendly so we decided to try cleaning with vinegar around the house. Since most cleaners were flying off the shelves we saved our heavy-duty stuff and used vinegar as much as possible.

When the toilet paper disaster of 2020 happened, a lot of how-to videos came out of turning your paper towel roll into TP. It's not the toilet paper gold standard but it was a good idea for in a pinch.

Have Enough

The main take away is to have enough. The secret to minimalist preparedness is to have just enough but not too much.

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Similar to a typical day in the life of a minimalist you should have what you need. It just so happens that what you need right now is a bit different.

We made sure to have enough food but not a month's worth. We had enough toilet paper but not a cart full.

If it will last you a few weeks you're good to go. More than that may be overkill.

Prepare with Less

Hopefully, the disasters you have to endure during your lifetime are slim to none. We have all learned a lot during this pandemic and we are trying to grow from this moment.

In the future, if you find yourself struggling with a minimalist lifestyle during a disaster, don't be too hard on yourself and do the best you can. In the meantime, continue being the best minimalist you can be.

How to be a minimalist emergency prepper