How To Pass the Time When You Can’t Travel

How To Pass the Time When You Can't Travel

Are you craving to travel but it's just not in the cards right now. When you have an incurable case of the travel bug with no relief in sight you need something to pass the time when you can't travel.

So what do you do when you want to travel but can't? Bring travel to you of course!

Plan a trip to pass the time when you can't travelThe only way to cure wanderlust is to give your body what it needs...a taste of travel. You will have to get creative but travel is more than just a physical vacation. It's a state of mind.

So when you need a vacation but can't take one at this very moment, you to pass the time with travel inspiration to keep your travel bug at bay.

These are things we do to pass the time when we can't travel. They still give us a taste of the travel life and keep us happy until our next adventure.

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Follow a YouTube Travel Channel

When we were still in school we didn't have much money or time to travel. We had some simple weekend getaways here and there but at times we wanted more.

We loved living vicariously through other travelers by watching their videos. Some of the best videos make you feel like you're there right next to them.

Now we have a travel diary on YouTube. This way others can benefit the way we did plus we can rewatch our adventures to relive the memories.

Travel With Us | MLMR Travel Vlog

Read A Travel Book

Books are one of the best ways to experience something without ever leaving your couch. Reading about adventures and explorations can make you feel like it was your own experience.

We love inspirational travel stories about people that overcame significant life moments through a wild adventure. Even short stories about a fun travel experience can help subdue your travel crave while also being very entertaining.

Cure Wanderlust

Watch a Travel Documentary

We prefer travel documentaries since we are entertained while learning at the same time. Netflix and Amazon Video both have plenty of options for you to choose from.

If you want more entertainment then check out Expedition Unknown. It's Kelsey's favorite show on the travel channel and is travel inspiring while also being comical.

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Travel From Home

Plan a Trip

Okay, this may seem counterproductive because if you want to travel but CAN'T then how is planning a trip going to help? Well, your trip doesn't have to be something crazy and could be something very achievable.

If you put enough time and effort into planning a trip you can make sure it meets all of your travel needs while still being doable. It also makes the time go by faster if while waiting for a vacation you are actively planning your vacation.

How to Cure Wanderlust From Your Home

Read A Travel Blog

The great thing about travel blogs is that they are typically everything travel. Some blogs are more informational such as "how-to" while others are more storytelling.

No matter what type of travel blog you choose to read it can help with your travel itch. If you are looking for a great travel blog to read we happen to have a great suggestion (yes, we're talking about our own)

Global Outreach

Finding organizations that assist with global outreach can be a great way to tackle wanderlust. It's a unique option to be involved with other countries without leaving your home.

The best part about global outreach is you can find places you have already been to or maybe a place you want to visit someday. You can then make it a goal to visit places you helped once you are able to travel.

We like the idea of helping out communities of places we've been. This way we can re-live our amazing time there.

One organization we love is Linc Worldwide. Currently, they are working on building a school in Africa and could use some support!

Explore Your Own Backyard

It's time to stop thinking that travel is only going to a hundred different countries. You can find adventure around you and that still counts as travel.

We like walking around our neighborhood and trying to find fun spots for an insta photo. It helps us find adventure in unique places we never even thought of.

How to Deal with Wanderlust

So next time you find yourself thinking about what you can do about wanderlust, give yourself travel inspiration without having to travel miles. Entertain yourself with thoughts of travel to pass the time until your next adventure.

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