8 Ways to Use the One Touch Rule for a Clutter Free Home

One Touch Rule for a Clutter Free Home

Kelsey swears by the one touch rule for a clutter-free home. It takes the chore of cleaning and breaks it down so it's no longer so daunting.

Instead of having to spend time cleaning at the end of the day, it's more of a clean as you go making it seem way less painful.

If you're not familiar with the one-touch rule the name implies the meaning...only touch items once. If you want a more in-depth meaning check out our full post on the One Touch Rule.

One touch rule examplesEven if you understand the general idea of the one-touch rule it might be hard to put into actual everyday practice. So since Kelsey swears by it, it was time to put our money where our mouth is.

Here are ways we use the one-touch rule to keep a tidy home. They are so easy, anyone can do it.

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Putting Dishes Away

This is where the one-touch rule first began in the Schaub household and it's the first example we give when explaining how we use it. It's simple, when you are done with a dish only touch it once.

So this means where you are finished using a glass, don't leave it sitting on the table or in the sink. Finish out the process and put it all the way in the dishwasher or clean it in the sink.

This simple step will significantly reduce the clutter in your home. Especially while living in a travel trailer with limited space, this was a game-changer.

Not only do you no longer have dirty dishes lying around but it takes away the chore of loading the dishwasher at the end of the night.

Using the One Touch Rule to Keep clutter away

Doing Laundry

Oh laundry, the one chore everyone can agree is the worst. You need to stop making it even harder.

We use the one-touch rule during the entire laundry process from beginning to end. From the time the clothes come off to being back in the closet.

After removing our dirty clothes for the day we fold them right side out and either put them directly into the washer or in the laundry bag. We don't make a pile on the floor to get back to later.

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Then when the clothes come out of the dryer they get put away immediately. Don't put them on the chair in your room you never use or a nearby table.

You will save so much time not going back to a pile of laundry sitting around somewhere.

Ways to use the one touch rule

Our Valuables

How we use the one touch rule at home"Phone, wallet, keys, phone, wallet, keys"...thanks to the song by Adam Sandler we never forget our three most important valuables when running errands. But when we get home where do they go?

We have a wooden bin on our counter with glass jars for all of our valuables that come and go with us every time we leave the house. So when we get home, they go right back to their resting spot.

Don't leave your keys and wallet on the table where it can get lost, instead use the one-touch rule. It's already on your person when you get home so put it away as soon as you get home.

Now less clutter around the home and you don't have to worry about losing anything important.

Using Toiletries

Toiletries are something you use at least once a day, typically twice a day. The easiest way to clutter up a bathroom is to place things on the sink when you're done.

When home in our Portland apartment we have a jar for toothbrushes and we each have a drawer for our other toiletries. If we're on the road then we each have out Patagonia Black Hole toiletry kits.

No matter where we are, we grab out what we need, use it, then put it right back. No more clutter.

ways to use the one touch rule at home

Items in our Car

As minimalists, we try to keep as little things in our as possible but there are few things we like to have handy.

We've always kept hand sanitizer in our car but in the year 2020, it became a staple. It's an easy way to stay healthy while on the road.

We also keep a pen, mini first aid kit, and other random important items. It's easy to grab out a small object and just place it somewhere in the car when we're done but that leads to a messy car.

Stop placing things in random places and just put in back into the glove box or center console.

Using Electronics

Since we run a blog we use our laptops every day but we also live small so at this moment we don't have a work desk. Instead, we use our laptops on the couch, the kitchen table, or in bed (yes, we know it's bad for our nighttime routine).

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Even though we have small laptops, they still clutter our apartment. It's a good habit to get into after using a laptop to put in back in its resting spot, not on the floor.

You are already "touching" the laptop while using it so the idea is when you're done just put it away. This way you don't waste time touching it again later while picking up.

We live a minimalist electronic life so other than laptops we don't have a lot of other electronics laying around. But the one-touch rule works for all electronics like handheld video console, headphones, etc.

Reading Books

When you're done reading a book put it away. You don't have to put in back on the bookshelf in alphabetical order or anything but set the book down in its final resting spot for the day.

We like to keep the current book we are reading by our bed so we can read it if we can't sleep. Even if we are reading on the couch, when done we get up and put it by our beds.

Again, just touch it once. You pick up the book, read it then put it where it belongs.

How the One Touch Rule Can Keep Your Home clutter free

Putting Away Purse or Book Bag

This is the one that gets us the most. It is so easy to come home and put your bag on the nearest chair.

Start getting in the habit of putting it away as soon as you walk in. When we lived in a tiny home we had hooks, in our apartment, we hang them in our closet.

Again, we get it, it only takes a few seconds to do it later but these are needed seconds that add up. You will save time and keep your space looking nicer by just putting it away first thing.

The secret to avoiding clutter really is the one-touch rule. If you are touching items around your house another time just to put it away, you're wasting time.

These are ways we use the one-touch rule every day to reduce unwanted clutter but there are thousands of examples. Let us know the ways you use the one-touch rule at home.

Examples of the One Touch Rule