MLMR Travel Q&A

MLMR Travel Q&A

We travel, we blog, we meet new people constantly. Every time we meet someone new, either in person or through social media, we get a round of questions so we decided it was time to make a Q&A.

Our lives are very different from the average joe and sometimes people are interested. Since we began this eccentric but fun way of living we compiled a list of some of the most asked questions for a little Q&A.

Personal | Travel Blog | Adventure Vlog | Tiny Home

MLMR Travel Q&A

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We get asked this a lot as people want to know if we are going to settle down and have kids. We love traveling and at this moment don't want kids so the easy answer is no, probably not.

The goal is to continue exploring more and more places. Plus staying in traveling physical therapy gives us a lot of freedom we aren't ready to give up. The goal is to one day buy an apartment in the PNW around Seattle or Portland. This would be just to have a home base but then continue with our adventures.

Nope, we love spending time together! Seriously, we really do. We work together, lived in our tiny home together, travel together. We do everything together and we never really get sick of each other.

A lot of people we meet find it fascinating just how much time we spend not only together but just us two and our cats. We love it this way. Life is easy just hanging out with your best friend all day.

Every new adventure is fun and exciting. We appreciate everywhere we go but wouldn't be human without a favorite.

Treehouse in Treehouse pointPhil's overall favorite is Treehouse Point, a treehouse hotel in Washington. We have been a bunch of times but he never gets tired of it. It's the perfect spot for him because he loves the rain, being surrounded by trees and, most of all, being secluded.

Kelsey's favorite so far has been Ladera Resort in St. Lucia. The trip was a mega celebration for paying off our student loans at the beginning of 2019. Phil called the trip our "moneymoon" and it really was just that. The room was open to the ocean with a private pool making it the perfect getaway in paradise.

Saint Lucia vacation

This is probably the MOST asked question and one of the biggest reasons why we have this site. We get asked a lot how we even became travelers in the first and began this crazy adventure.

There's a lot to the story but the short answer is travel is a love we both had and always will. Part of our adventures are possible thanks to our careers but we also make sure to vacation as much as possible.

The Schaubs

MLMR Travel Blog

MLMR TravelMLMR originally stood for "Minimalist Living Maximum Results" but we later found out it also means "My Life, My Rules". We think it works either way and it applies equally to our lives for either meaning.

We added the travel part for this website because we love to travel. Since the site is a "minimalist travel blog" it seemed fitting. If you love detail check out the full story of MLMR Travel here.

Travel couple embracing while hiking in the dessert

Adventure Vlog

Road trips with the Schaubs

To film we use a GoPro 6 but the videos began using a GoPro 3 which was a gift from family when we got married. So if you noticed a big quality jump in the video that's why.

For editing we use iMovie but at one point we were using a phone app called splice which is made by GoPro. Kelsey puts together the videos and does most of the editing while Phil does the final look through to make sure everything flows right.

Turns out our family thinks Kelsey looks down a lot during the videos. We use the GoPro app on our phone to cut the clips and we also sometimes have notes on Evernote that we use to make sure we mention everything we want to in the videos.

A majority of the time we can cut the part out of us (mostly Kelsey) looking down but if the other person is saying something we want to keep in the video, we can't cut it out.

We are very minimalist with small wardrobes. Phil probably owns about 50 items of clothing in total. That means some stuff is going to get repeated more often than a normal closet.

Plus filming mostly occurs on weekends when Phil is watching sports and he can finally wear his Liverpool Jersey. Since it doesn't work well for work that means you see a lot of that Liverpool jersey on "off days".

Kelsey and Phil and Phils jersey

Tiny Home

In our travel trailer tiny home bathroom, we have a composting toilet. It is fitted with two receptacles, one for liquids and one for solids.

Front view of the toiletThe liquid compartment located in front has to be emptied about every week if you are using it full time. The main solids area in the back has a flap over it that you open when you need to go. You put in some sort of composting material like Coco Coir and voila, composting toilet.

It has survived a Norovirus outbreak without ruining anything and it works surprisingly well. It's no indoor plumping but it's better than you might think.

Outside of tiny homeOur tiny home is a wooden, teardrop travel trailer. It is 18 feet long which has 94 square feet of livable space inside. The fact that we fit a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and storage into all that space is kinda a miracle! The small space makes it very lightweight allowing us to move around easier.

Hopefully, we answered all of your questions. If you can think of any more questions feel free to contact us!

MLMR Travel Q&A

Watch Our Q&A Video Here

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MLMR Travel Q&A