When Should Minimalists Sell, Donate, or Throw Away

When Should Minimalists Sell, Donate, or Throw Away

It's probably no surprise to hear that minimalists are always getting rid of "stuff" and eliminating clutter. Because we move several times a year and are avid minimalists, all of our belonging are under constant evaluation of their necessity.

Is It Better to Sell, Donate or Throw AwayWe always want to make sure we are only keeping what is used and needed. We also try to make sure what we own is in the best condition to fit our needs.

However the constant declutter leaves us with the age-old question...when should minimalists sell, donate, or throw away? All are very viable options but at times it can be hard finding which option is BEST.

When to Sell

Selling can be a great option for when you are decluttering and minimizing. When we made our initial move to the tiny home we looked into what we could sell first.

The only downside to this option is that it means more work for you. You have to find someone who wants to buy what you are giving away and find a way to get it to them.

You Want a Financial Gain

Everyone could use extra cash and selling items is a great way to do this. You can sell in person or use the internet to make it even easier.

If you are replacing an item then selling it can be a good way to afford the item you are replacing the original with.

You Want to Know Where Your Belonging Goes

Selling at a Consignment ShopFor some reason getting rid of things can be easier when you know exactly where it's going. Maybe it's a case where a little part of your mind knows you could get it back if you wanted to. Maybe it's a way of keeping it in your life in a very distant way.

Whatever the reason, knowing where your stuff is going can be nice. It is nice to feel like your item is going to be used if you sell it to a person face to face.

If there is a financial gain for you, you may be more willing to get rid of items. Many like to hold onto items we don't need for various reasons but knowing you will make money can be a great motivation.

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When to Donate

If you are going to give away, try finding someone in need or a store that benefits others. This is always our go-to giveaway option as we are always trying to help people less fortunate.

You can give it to someone you know personally like a neighbor or friend or you can give it to a store that benefits others. Our go-to donation center is usually Goodwill as they are spread all over the place and they employ many people with special needs.

You Want to "Pay it Forward"

In essence, if you choose to give something away, you are giving it to someone else who may benefit. Many consider this doing a good deed.

What comes around, goes around so if you give to someone else something they need maybe the universe will give you something back. Or you are just one of those who like to pay it forward and give whenever you can.

You Want Options

You can give things to family members, stores, places on line, the list goes on. There are even random metal containers located throughout towns for dropping off donations for several different organizations. Some companies even do pickups from your house which means even less work for you.

When to Throw Away

It is Bad Quality

We have owned some stuff that we bought in a pinch. Cords for our phones while traveling, a pair of gloves when it is cold and we forgot ours, etc. We needed these things at the moment but later on, they are the first thing to breakdown and they do so very quickly.

When they start to break down, we try not to donate or sell the items so that others don't have to deal with the same bad quality problem we did.

You Don't Have Time

There have been times we were cleaning out something in our house and had something we didn't want or need anymore. We thought we should sell it or donate it but then as time goes by, we don't get around to it.

It's at this point that we usually decide to just throw away the item since we just don't have the time to deal with it. This is our last resort usually but it is an option we have used from time to time.

Giving Away at a Thrift Store

Get Rid of Clutter

So what's the right answer? Is it better to sell, donate, or throw away when decluttering?

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Well, there isn't just one textbook answer. In the world of minimalism simply getting rid of the item is the important part.

From there it's just what you feel is best for you. If you need some money and are willing to put in the work then go for the selling option. If you like helping others and want less work then donating is the way to go.

To Sell or Not Sell When Decluttering