Our Minimalists Jackets Perfect for Any Adventure

Traveler walking along a sunny green hill wearing a dark minimalist jacket

Not sure if you've noticed our Instagram page lately but if it seems redundant it's because we're wearing the same outfit in almost every picture. With it being colder, and us trying to explore the outdoors more, we're constantly sporting our trusty minimalist jackets (Talk about outfit repeaters).

We’ve had our same jackets for over 3 years and they're still going strong even more than 100 trips later. Of course, there is a little bit of upkeep helping them along but they keep on keeping on.

Minimalist travel couple surrounded by snow wearing winter jacketsOver the past few years, we wash them when dirty and have to top off the waterproof ability with a little spray but that's easy. For the amount we wear them, it's a win.

If you can't tell, we really do love our jackets and how well they fit our minimalist travel lifestyle. So we figured it was time to talk about them instead of just showing them off.

This way you can find your own minimalist Jacket or maybe you'll fall in love with our jackets and get one to match. They are pretty good jackets...not gonna lie.

· We are writing about our jackets because we love them and want to share our finds with our readers. As always, all thoughts and opinions are our own. For more information on our reviews, check out our disclaimers ·

Disclosure: Links throughout the Mindful Nomadics site may make us a small commission at no additional cost to you. See our Affiliate Disclosure for more information.

What Makes a Jacket Minimalist

Traveler walking down green grass covered steps wearing a dark minimalist jacketBefore we get too in-depth on what we own, we wanted to go over what even qualifies as a minimalist jacket. After all, the point of this post isn't just to make you jealous of our amazing travel gear but help you find the right match.

So what makes a jacket perfect for minimalists?

Really any jacket can work as a minimalist jacket (well maybe not a giant fur coat) but we think there are a few traits it should have to land in the perfect category.

In order to be the best jacket for minimalists, it needs to check off three boxes.

  1. Versatile
  2. Waterproof
  3. Wearable


Traveler walking along a smll town sidewalk with a lightweight grey jacketIn an ideal, minimalist world you would own one jacket that you can always wear. But since life isn't always cookie-cutter perfect, at the very least, you should have a main go-to option that works 95% of the time.

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You need it to go with most outfits so we think a neutral color is best. Think grey, blue or black.

It's also important it actually keeps you warm but not in a stifling way. A jacket built for summiting Mt. Everest is not the goal here.

You want a jacket you can wear while exploring a nearby forest or walking down crowded city streets. The more versatile the better because then you'll actually wear the jacket instead of passing it off because it's just "not the right fit".


If you want a jacket to work for a minimalist lifestyle, it has to be waterproof. There are just too many random occasions where a waterproof jacket becomes a necessity.

Nothing ruins an outing like getting drenched in a downpour. Plus it's hard for a jacket to keep you warm when everything is soaking wet.

As another side note to the waterproof part, you should really have a hood. Even if the hood zips off, it should be an option since it's an important part of staying dry and warm.


Probably the most essential factor for a jacket to be considered minimalist is that you actually wear it, or else what's the point? So make sure your final choice is something you like wearing and don't mind being seen in.

This way it gets plenty of usage and you'll actually wear the jacket instead of it just sitting in your closet. Always consider the look, style, and even comfort.

Basically, anything that makes it so you want to wear it. Just think "Can I and will I wear this for most if not all of my adventures. If the answer is yes, you found a winner.

Travel couple bundled up in jackets on a chilly hike

Our Minimalist Jackets

Hiker walking between light brown rocks wearing a grey jacketBoth of our Jackets were bought on sale at REI but are far from matching. They aren't even the same brand let alone the same style.

When it comes to finding the perfect jacket for minimalists, it should be specific to each individual. What works for one might not work for everyone, and that's an important detail to remember.

We found jackets that work for us and if you want the same one great but don't get it just because we have it. The end goal is to find something perfect FOR YOU.

Minimalist Women's Jacket

Kelsey owns what we consider to be the best marmot minimalist jacket maybe in the world. It's a winter jacket with a removable warm but featherless lining.

 * Unfortunately, since we got the jacket so long ago we can no longer find the same one but we found a similar but longer version that's next on her list to buy. *

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This was life-changing because it is like having two jackets in one. Since Kelsey is a little fashionista it gives more outfit choices while still getting the job done.

When it's cold you have both layers to keep you nice and toasty. For a brisk day, you can pick from the lighter, waterproof outer layer, or go with the warmer insulated inner layer.

With Kelsey being cold 90% of the time, it's perfect for any scenario. Plus packing like a minimalist is a breeze since the lining easily attaches.

Bundled up traveler in a warm jacet walking over a city bridge on a chilly overcast day

Men's Minimalist Jacket

Phil's jacket is the most minimalist of minimalist jackets. It's lightweight, waterproof with a hood, and keeps you warm all while being one of the thinnest winter jackets we've ever seen.

* See the latest version of his jacket HERE *

Phil doesn't seem to get as cold as everyone else so he needed something that could warm him up when needed without making him overheat during the less frigid days. By just looking at his jacket you'd probably think it looks too thin but it works.

Instead of intense layering, it focuses more on regulating a baseline body temperature. It works for exploring a city on a chilly day or hiking through the wind and snow.

Traveler standing between a row of trees bundled up on a chilly day

Finding the Perfect Minimalist Jacket for You

It's time to say goodbye to owing a million jackets. Finding yourself the perfect minimalist jacket means more room in your closet and less stress deciding what to wear.

Even if you don't like our jackets that's okay. There's a perfect match out there, somewhere.

Just remember to find something versatile, waterproof, and wearable. Have fun jacket hunting!

Female traveler wearing a light jacket hiking along a rocky path