5 Easy Ways to Start Living with Less Furniture

5 Easy Ways to Start Living with Less Furniture

Furniture is an area minimalists often neglect. It is almost ingrained in our minds that these objects are something we need when we can easily live with less furniture.

Furniture does make life easier so don't say goodbye to furniture completely, just look into maybe having less. After all, less is more.

Living with Less FurnitureIn a trailer tiny home, the furniture is typically built-in which makes picking furniture easy. However, before moving to a trailer, we did our fair share of apartment living.

After moving several times we finally caught onto the idea of less furniture. Moving around a lot (every 3-6 months) for our travel therapy job made us think "do we need this".

We had done a good job of getting rid of small items but we thought we needed to keep most of our big items. That's what we had always seen and been taught.

Luckily, we started looking for alternatives and were able to make big changes. There are a lot of ways to have less furniture that you may not even think about.

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Own One Table

Somehow this trend came about where there is a table for eating most meals but a second table just for special meals. It doesn't make sense to have two very large objects taking up space in your home that have the same function. You only need one table for eating, working, etc.

You also don't need little tables laying around your home. If you like having something next to your bed or couch look into using a trunk so you can store items as well.

Having Minimalist Furniture in your Home

Put Your Bed On The Floor

Bed on the floorA quick thing we got rid of was our bed frame. It's heavy and hard to move due to its shape. We put our mattress on the floor and it worked great.

No more bed frame and no more box spring. The obvious benefit for us, due to our frequent moving schedule, was having two fewer things to carry.

It turns out our two cats LOVED it. I think it’s because they are lazy and don’t want to jump.

Once we made the change the cats were on the bed more often. Second off, it is almost like you have more room on the bed.

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If you get to the edge, just place a leg off the side onto the floor. Kelsey is very into the boho-chic look and that floor bed does this perfectly. For our side tables, we used stools which added some nice height.

How to Downsize your Furniture

Own Less Kitchen Chairs

We notice a lot of people own way more chairs at their kitchen table than they need. You only need the same amount of chairs as you do people currently living in the house.

If you like having company over, look into foldable chairs you can store easily and take up less space.

Stools are also a great way around this as you can keep a few stools at the counter but move over to the table if needed. Stools typically take up much less space. You can also use stools as a side table very easily when they are not being used for sitting.

Have One Blanket Per Bed

We found out quickly that blankets may have been Kelsey's weakness. Since she is always cold we had a lot of blankets. But we were never using all of them at once.

It turns out you only need one main blanket that goes on your bed since you can easily remove it and use it for lounging as well. If you like blankets then you can have one extra throw blanket.

We have a main comforter and one tiny blanket for if it's extra cold or when traveling. This is also true for sheets. You only need a sheet set per bed.

We were keeping sheets on hand in case the cats threw up on our bed (it happens more than you think). But we found that since we would wash it immediately we didn't need the extra sheets just taking up space.

Get a Floor Couch

Floor couchWe had been thinking about a floor couch for a while but finally found a perfect and cheap one on amazon. We love it!

Check out the floor couch we bought HERE!

If you have never heard of a floor couch, just imagine a couch that sits on the ground but still gives support. The best part is how little space the floor couch takes up.

Our original couch took up a large amount of the room. With less furniture, we ended up with more floor space.

Having a floor couch also made moving a lot easier. It's so light-weight and easy to pack up and get going.

As another side tip, we got rid of the couch through Craigslist and had it out of our apartment three hours later. Craigslist is amazing!

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We put it as free but they had to do the removal. Floor couches might not be the way for everyone to go but I'm sure everyone has something they never use (like that chair or stuffed animals) or something they used too much (like our couch) that they could get rid of. Couch

As you can see, we are all-in on minimalism. We are trying to get rid of more and more stuff and live a happier, healthier life with less furniture. Besides, sitting on the ground is a good thing for your health.

For us, less furniture meant fewer things to move and less stress. For you, it may mean less clutter and more room for things that matter more.

When you are trying to minimize your lifestyle and your impact, there are no wrong choices of things to get rid of! We just want you to think about how you can live with less furniture and try to downsize.

Living with Less Furniture: How We Downsized