Layover in the Seoul Incheon International Airport

Layover in the Seoul Incheon International Airport

We have passed through many airports but by far our favorite airport for a layover is the Seoul Incheon International Airport in South Korea. It is the perfect spot for travelers to unwind and freshen up during a busy day of traveling.

Why You Need a Layover in SeoulYou might think that traveling through an airport is just getting off one plane and then waiting at your gate for the next plane. That is where Incheon International Airport shines as one of the best airports in the world.

There are so many things to do during a layover in the Seoul Incheon International Airport besides just general gate to gate travel. If you ever find yourself in the Incheon Internation Airport make sure to not miss out on all the fun.

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Quick Things to Know about Seoul Incheon Airport

When it comes to the Incheon International Airport in Seoul, South Korea there is a lot to do. Before you start planning all of the fun activities you're going to do during your long layover there are two important things to know.

  1. There is an Interactive Map
  2. There are two terminals

Interactive Map

To make the most out of your time its important to use the interactive map. The airport has a lot to offer and is enormous.

The map is a touch screen and easy to navigate. You can always explore by walking around but make sure to also use the map to not miss out on anything.

With such a big airport it's easy to miss things. Find the map right away so you can get a better idea of the stores and where everything is located.

There are Two Terminals

It's very important to remember that there are two terminals. If there is something, in particular, you wanted to do you may have to do some traveling.

We had planned to see a movie but it turned out where we were located did not have the theatre and it was not very easy to get to.

Things To Do

If you ever have a long layover in the Seoul Incheon International Airport make sure to take advantage of all of the amazing things it has to offer.

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Below are just a couple of the things we did but there are many more you can do including watching a movie, shopping, and visiting the first-class lounge.


You can sleep at any airport in an uncomfortable chair near your terminal but at Incheon International Airport you can sleep horizontally on a bed.

The airport has a room designated just for sleeping with couches and partitions. At first, the thought of sleeping in a room with strangers may seem crazy but trust us...the extra sleep you get is so worth it.

It can get busy so at times finding a free bed is difficult. There are also some beds situated by themselves and others next to others for duo travelers. We were able to find two beds together, put our luggage between us, set our alarms and took a two-hour nap.Phil resting in the sleep room

Work Out

You can work out by walking around or step up your workout game with the fitness room. Yep, an actual fitness room in an airport.

Fitness room may be more of a loose term as there is no gym equipment but there is a room with fun games to help keep you active. They have a basketball arcade-style game, a trampoline game, and a light-hitting game. There is also a mini track to walk around.

It was a fun surprise and helped get our heart rate up a little. Plus it helped to pass the time.


Kelsey after showeringThere are free showers to use that are clean and spacious with soap along the walls. The towels cost a few dollars to rent so it's a good idea to have some cash in South Korean currency.

We had researched the airport and knew about the showers ahead of time which made it easy to pack a "shower bag" at the top of our luggage without toiletries and change of clothes.

We had left Thailand late at night after a day of adventuring in the heat so a shower before an eight-hour flight to California was very much appreciated.

Food and Drinks

As with any airport, there are plenty of options for food and drinks. There were choices more native to Korea and dishes from other countries as well.

We opted for soup and boba tea which turned out to be a perfect combo. There is an interactive map where you can get a list of all of the food options or go ahead and walk around to get more steps in.

Korean Traditional Culture Experience Center

Korean Traditional Culture Experience Center

Every 15 minutes, the Korean Traditional Culture Experience Center performs. Some appear to be more culturally specific while others are live music.

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The performers all are extremely talented and fun to watch. It's free to watch so make sure to check it out.

Seoul, Incheon Airport

Click here for our travel video diary!

Everything about the Incheon International Airport is traveler friendly and is a must-see. We will be trying to find our way back, especially as we add more International trips to the travel plans.

Why You Need a Layover in the Seoul Incheon Airport