How to Live a Zero Waste Life: Sustainable Tips & Tricks

How to Live a Zero Waste Life

Waste not, want not. That's our new zero waste motto.

We don’t understand the exact meaning and Kelsey is pretty sure Phil made it up anyway. We assume it means something like if you don’t waste anything, you live a pretty good life.

At least that's how we feel since switching to a zero-waste lifestyle. It was time to eliminate waste and plastic in our lives.

Zero Waste LivingWe didn’t start as zero waste people and we still may not be 100%. For simplicity's sake we will stick to calling it zero waste but keep in mind we are not perfect and that it's an ongoing process.

A day in the life of old Phil and Kelsey meant buying lots of packaged food not to mention the endless plastic bags. We also had the horrible habit of buying fast food all the time.

Plus, we went a little crazy buying all kinds of fun gadgets which of course all came in more plastic packaging. We just kept adding more and more of what we thought we needed but in reality, it was only what we wanted.

Luckily, something came over us (let's be real it was probably a documentary). Kelsey got the bug first as she started to care about our impact and the environment.

That's how our zero waste journey began. We weren’t able to do it all overnight obviously.

It has been a long and slow process. Unfortunately, there is a trashcan and a recycling bin full of plastic right now that are prime examples of how we are not perfect.

But we are getting closer to that ideal every day. Here are the steps we took to finally live zero waste.

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Become Aware

Easy Zero Waste Tip: Use a Reusable cupIt's hard to know how to improve without first knowing more about the situation. The first change we made was to become aware of our waste.

We began to consider the random items we were buying. While drinking from our plastic cup we wondered where it had been up to that point and where it would end up.

Paying attention to your waste is the first step in fixing the problem. Once you are more cognizant of how much you use it becomes clear just how much is unneeded.

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Also, try to pay attention to the type of waste you have. Is it mostly plastic from food or is it packaging from all your online orders? Remember, not all waste is equal.

A Simple Guide for Zero Waste Living


One of the more important concepts of going zero waste is to use less. The main idea is that if you end up using less, then one less thing is made.

You have to look at what you are using and see if maybe it is something you could do without. Try to make what you have last before having to buy more to replace it. Since we are also minimalists, this idea was pretty easy to use.


Be Zero Waste with Reusable BagsIf you already own the item then the waste, more or less, is already there. From this point, you need to do your best and reuse that item. Instead of buying more see where you can easily use what you already own.

We take our canvas bags to the store so we don’t have to use paper or plastic. Also, we try to use glass jars and buy in bulk instead of buying packaged food.

Kelsey has a Starbucks addiction so we always bring our coffee cup and then get a 10 cent discount as well. It's not just good for the environment but also good for your wallet!

Beginners Guide to a Zero Waste Lifestyle


Recycling is an important step but it should be more of a last resort. Don't buy with the intention of recycling.

Instead, when it comes time to throw away, look into recycling instead when possible. Recycling isn't a solution to all the waste but it is at least better than landfills.

We try to recycle any waste we end up with at our local recycling center. This can be tricky because every city has its recycling guidelines.

Just try to pay close attention to your trash and if it is recyclable where you live, please make sure it gets to the appropriate bin.

Take Small Steps

If you want to be successful with your zero waste journey, you need to focus on little things. Focus on things you can control like taking your cup to Starbucks or throwing away your paper products into the recycling bin.

We know those things seem small, and unimportant in the grand scheme of things but those small acts add up. They produce big acts, big changes and they are sustainable. They give you tangible steps to take and goals to set so that you feel like you’re making a difference.

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Switching to a zero-waste lifestyle can be easier than you think. These beginner steps can help you make the jump and be more eco-friendly.

Switching to a zero-waste lifestyle

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