Our Top 4 Simple Habits for a Tidy Home

Habits for a Tidy Home

Since we like to live small we know how important it is to keep a clutter-free home. After living in a tiny home for years and now upgrading to a studio apartment we have picked up some simple habits for a tidy home.

When you are living in a small home of any kind, having clutter around can shrink you're already limited square footage. Even in a bigger space, it's still important to keep a clean tidy home for less stress and a productive environment.

simple habits of people who always have a clean homeSince it's a habit, the great part is that it now comes as second nature. It takes almost no effort because it's become a part of our routine.

Kelsey has always been a bit of a clean freak but even Phil has jumped on board. Once you start living in a clutter-free home you see all the benefits and want to keep it going.

Here are our top 4 daily habits that help us keep a tidy home. They are simple enough for anyone to use, actually work, and can make a big difference.

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If we had to pick the top thing to do for a clean home it would be to organize. The easiest way to combat clutter is to have a place where everything goes.

We suggest coming up with your own system because you want it to make sense for you. If you don't like where something goes then you won't be consistent with putting it away.

If you cannot organize yourself, then ask a friend for help and make sure to be an active part of the process. This way you help pick where items go so it feels natural.

Make sure while you organize you not only pick places that make sense but are out of the way. Placing everything on the kitchen table is not organizing, it's just relocating.

Think of it as having a permanent home, out of the way for everything you own. Of course, all of the organizing in the world can only do so much if you do not eliminate unnecessary items.

habits to help you keep a tidy home

One-Touch Rule

Easy habits for a tidy homeIf you follow our site then you know we are big fans of the one-touch rule. We love it so much we wrote not one, but two posts about it.

The one-touch rule just means you should only touch an item once. So if you're done with something, don't just put it down anywhere.

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You should always put things back where they belong. Since you already organized, everything should have a permanent spot.

This way instead of having stuff lying around, it's put away the moment you are done using it. This saves time tidying up later and keeps clutter under control.

Own Less

tidy home habitsWe're not saying you have to go full-blown minimalists like us, but if you really want a tidy home you should probably own less. After all, the easiest way to get rid of clutter is to own LESS CLUTTER.

If you don't need it or love it, get rid of it. This way you have fewer items adding up around the home making a mess.

We have seen homes where they are trying to organize but even all the organization in the world can only help so much if you have a bunch of junk. Start small and get rid of a few things here and there that just don't serve a purpose anymore.

our top habits for keeping a clean house

Throw Things Away

To finish off our list we wanted to go over one more habit that everyone seems to forget. You need to throw things away IMMEDIATELY.

Little things add up like old receipts, broken pens, and empty bottles. Don't leave it sitting there and just throw it away the moment you're done with it.

You'll be surprised how much is laying around just waiting to go into the trash can. Throwing away trash can (get it?!) keep so much clutter away.

easy habits for a clean home

These are just our top 4 habits of people who always have clean homes. We swear by them and use them ourselves.

Now keeping a tidy home is easy. No matter where we are, we use these habits to avoid clutter and save time cleaning up later.

Simple ways to keep your house clean