Getting Rid of Plastic in Your Life

Getting Rid of Plastic in Your Life

The process of getting rid of plastic has been one of the greatest challenges in our effort to be zero waste. We never realized just how much plastic we had. IT IS EVERYWHERE!

We didn’t want to be wasteful so we weren't able to go all in and just throw away all the plastic we owned. Instead, we had to take baby steps and eliminate our plastic day-by-day.

It has been hard but we are proud to say we have officially reduced our plastic by over 50%. It will still take time before we can say once and for all that we are plastic-free but that won't stop us from trying.

Getting rid of plastic takes time but with hard work, it's an easy change that is eco-friendly and helps the environment.

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Become Aware

Probably the first and easiest step is to start looking around at how much plastic there is in your life. For us, it was very eye-opening. We didn't realize just how many items are plastic.

We started to pay attention to plastic we were buying and what we already had. While shopping we would see what plastic items we were putting in our cart and if a nonplastic option was nearby.

This part isn't about getting rid of anything, you just have to become more aware of your surroundings and how much plastic you have. You will quickly see that you own plastic all over your home.


Make sure you are recycling any plastic you use or that you happen to come across. Sometimes buying plastic is your best option so at the very least recycle when it comes time to throw it away. If you are doing an entire plastic detox then go the extra step with recycling.

This is a good step but we want to make sure it’s known that recycling isn’t the answer. 100% of the plastic isn’t recycled. The term often used on the internet is “downcycled”. So this means even if you recycle, some plastic waste remains.

Don't Buy Plastic

reusable containersSounds easy but to get rid of plastic you have to stop buying plastic. For us, it was easier to at least stop the influx of plastic before reducing the plastic we already owned. look for metal, wooden, and glass products or no packaging at all.

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Farmer's markets are always a good place to buy food without the added plastic packaging. You can also try buying in bulk with your containers. Try using reusable options as well and make DIY household items.

Don't be too hard on yourself if you CANNOT find what you need in plastic. We admit there have been times where we could only find what we needed in a plastic container (such as Castile liquid soap). When this happens we try to buy the bigger size so we at least buy less plastic in the long run.

Remove Plastic From Your Home

For us, tackling the plastic in our home was the hardest part by far. It seems every day we discover something else that’s plastic. Even today we are still trying to reduce the plastic we already own.

Once you find a plastic item, it's up to you how to proceed.

Option 1

You could replace it instantly and try to donate the plastic item to a thrift store (this way it gets a second life).

Option 2

You can also wait to replace it after you find something better or until the item breaks then replace it.

We often chose the second so we would be less wasteful but either option is good. For some, it's better just to make one great overhaul than to address it little by little. If the item is not something we can giveaway then we make sure to recycle it.

How to Decrease Your Plastic Waste

We love not having plastic and recognize it is a constant work in process. There are so many ways to get rid of plastic and every step helps.

It turns our using glass jars for almost everything typically gets people asking questions which is a great way to educate others on the no plastic life.

If you need an incentive for why you should get rid of plastic we suggest watching Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is often on Netflix.

How to Eliminate Plastic