Easy Tips for Finding the Perfect Tiny Home

Easy Tips for Finding the Perfect Tiny Home

Tiny homes are the new craze and seem to come with all sorts of options. Finding the perfect tiny home can seem daunting at first and a lot of people don't know where to begin.

After a lot of research and searching, we were able to finally find the best fit for us when we found our tiny travel trailer. There were easy first steps we took to begin the process in our tiny home search.

It allowed us to take a step in the right direction and get the ball moving. Then we continued and did not stop until we found the perfect fit.

Finding the perfect tiny home can seem like an impossible task but we promise the hard work is worth it. Hopefully, these tips will make your search easier and lead you to the tiny home of your dreams.

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Make a List

This is the first step to finding the right tiny home for you. Make a list of what you want but try to categorize by what is/is not negotiable.

This helps lay out what you are looking for. If the decision is being made by multiple individuals, you may want to make separate lists then combine them into one.

Having a list is great when looking and if you find a good match you can check the list just to make sure nothing important was left out. It also may lead you to the next step since you'll have a better idea of what you are looking for.

Set a Budget

Before you start looking at buying anything it's important to have a budget. We knew our budget and even with our customizations, we made sure to not go over.

After having student loans we knew we did not want any more debt. One benefit of a tiny home is that it's more affordable so no mortgage or loans needed.

Don't go over your comfortable amount to spend just to find the perfect tiny home. If it's perfect and you still want it, it will always be there later.

Kelsey in a Shed Tiny Home


To find your dream tiny home, you need to do research and a lot of it! You may get lucky and just stumble upon what you want but it's not very likely.

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There's a chance you found this post as you begin your research so kudos for being ahead of the game. We asked around, looked all over social media and, of course, searched the internet.

There are so many different options for what is considered "a tiny home". Make sure you are aware of each option. Every day new things are invented and people get more creative.

Type of Tiny Home

Old bus as a tiny home Even if you have a general idea of what type of tiny home you want (I.E. shed, van, trailer) you should make sure to look up other types. You may find something that is a better fit for you.

This also lets you find what people are currently living in and you can always try to customize yours similarly. We ended up going with the travel trailer instead of a van after researching what people did and did not like about the van life.

Where to Place the Tiny Home

After you search and narrow in the type of tiny home you want, don't forget to also search where you are going to PUT your tiny home. Some more permanent tiny homes can be tricky with finding a permanent location and this may change your final purchasing selection.

Make sure to research WHERE you are placing the tiny home. This is easily forgotten but a big factor when deciding what tiny home you're buying.

Some cities have different laws or regulations that may affect your final decision. We have found anything on wheels can be the easiest due to the least restrictions.

We have found lots of RV resorts that welcome tiny homes right where we need to be.

Travel trailer tiny home

Don’t Settle

It's best to wait until your tiny home is exactly what you want. If the home doesn't have what you want, it's not the home for you.

If you are having trouble finding exactly what you want you can always venture into the DIY world. Just make sure it's something you are capable of doing.

We ended up waiting a few months before actually deciding to look more into buying because we had not found the best fit yet. We are very glad we waited until we found the perfect option for us at this time in our crazy nomad lives.

Speak to the Manufacturer

Once you find your possible dream tiny home, don't be afraid to call the manufacturer. Make the time to call the company and see what other options or customizations are available.

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There's a chance you may find your almost dream tiny home but the company can make changes for you that finally makes it perfect.Finding your Tiny Home

Everyone is different and that's perfectly fine. We hope these easy tips we learned along our tiny home buying journey will help you with finding a perfect tiny home.

If you want to live on the open road, go check out some awesome vans, trailers, RV's, and mobile homes. There is no wrong choice as long as it fits your needs and is what you want!