Being an Eco Minimalist: Embracing Sustainable Simplicity

Eco friendly minimalist looking out at an open stone courtyard

We like to think we invented the idea of being an eco minimalist but really we are far from the first and hopefully not the last. Actually, when you really think about it, the concept of becoming a sustainable minimalist is the only route to take.

How can you strive for an eco-friendly lifestyle without some aspect of minimalism? And vise versa...can you even be a minimalist without an environmental impact?

Tree with falling foliage to show minimalist sustainable livingYour journey to eco-minimalism will slowly shift you towards the other, no matter where you start. It probably won't happen at the exact same time but is more of a result of your changing mindset.

We guess you could say they go together like PB&J. It's a perfect match.

Technically we've been eco-friendly minimalists for years but we always saw them as two separate ideas. When we created our blog we even debated if we could pull off having an eco-friendly section under the guise of simplicity because, on the surface, they seem like completely different ideas.

Then one day on social media we saw the word eco minimalism and knew how silly we've been all along. They aren't different ideas at all but the final progression of both.

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What is Eco Minimalism

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves we should bring it back to the basics and talk about eco-minimalism as a definition and as a concept. This way we're all on the same page.

Definition-wise, it's simple. Eco minimalism is when you are both eco-friendly and a minimalist. You consider your impact on the planet while also working towards owning more of what you need, not what you want.

Now the concept of eco-minimalist living is where these two ideas start looking pretty identical. It's all about the less is more.

Less clutter and less waste apply to both the minimalist style and eco friendly living. You get the idea...different...but the same.

There's one more aspect really tying these two things together and that's one of our favorite words...sustainability. When we say sustainability we mean both for you and for the planet.

Think of it as your own personal environment, and then the actual environment. As much as possible ask yourself "how do I make it more sustainable?".

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How to Live an Eco-Friendly Minimalist Lifestyle

Tall dark moss covered trees to inspire a life of becoming a sustainable minimalistWe can define words all day but what we're really here for is helping you achieve a certain lifestyle of being both minimalist and eco-friendly. Again, it shouldn't be too hard since they go hand-in-hand but there are ways to make it easier.

If there is one thing we could say for how to become an eco minimalist it would be to always think less. It's an easy concept to start with but might take time and practice to perfect.

If you are always striving for the less is more principle, you will suddenly become both minimalist and eco-friendly without even realizing it.

If you buy fewer clothes, you'll have a minimalist wardrobe in no time while also reducing your carbon footprint. Opting for only buying one spatula for your kitchen instead of the typical 5+ reduces your plastic while decreasing your unwanted clutter.

Get the picture? Consume less and become an eco-minimalist. bada-bing bada-boom.

We could probably give random examples all day but you get the idea. There is almost a ripple effect from striving for less that automatically pushes you towards eco-minimalism.

Easy Steps to a Being A "Green Minimalist"

There's a chance you're reading this post and you're thinking "please just give me something, just one specific thing I can do to be an eco minimalist". So to help you guys out we'll give you two. Two very specific things anyone can do.

    1. Shop at Thrift Stores
    2. Reuse Items

We promise if you just try doing these two things as much as possible you'll be an eco minimalist pro in no time. The great thing about those two tips is they help in ways beyond just those initial actions.

The idea behind both shopping at thrift stores and reusing items is that the "waste" is already there so you might as well use it up to the fullest. It's an easy and very intentional way to live an eco-minimalist lifestyle by giving new life to something while reducing your impact...globally and individually.

*Bonus tip - To take your minimalist lifestyle to the next level, you should also give unwanted items to thrift stores. It helps other people shop at thrift stores and reuse items, so they can also become sustainable minimalists.*

Dark green water below a minimalist underpass

Becoming an Eco Minimalist

Now it's your time to shine. If you currently consider yourself just a minimalist or just an environmentalist, we challenge you to give it another thought. The two have probably been overlapping for longer than you realize.

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If you're new to both ideas then just remember to focus on less is more and the rest will slowly fall into place. The brilliance of both is that even one small act makes a difference.

Every time you buy one less thing you are becoming a greener minimalist. And whether you prefer to call yourself a green minimalist, sustainable minimalist, or eco-minimalist, it's all a way of life where less really is more.

Traveler wandering down a city riverwalk with text - All About Eco Minimalism