Coachella Packing List: Essentials for a Music Festival Adventure

We are happy to report that we survived a weekend at Coachella. And by we, we mean Kelsey and our friend Sarah because Phil would have been miserable and never tolerate that much time in the sun.

So two 30-year-olds found themselves amidst the chaos that is a weekend at Coachella and lived to tell about it. It was one heck of a weekend with overflowing amounts of music and an underwhelming amount of sleep.

As a little survival guide, we compiled a Coachella packing list with some essentials for this kind of adventure. You are embarking into the desert and need to plan accordingly.

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Fun but Comfortable Outfit

Dress comfortable, or as comfortable as you can while still going wild and creative, as you will be in the outfit all day long. We're talking plenty of time sitting in the grass, walking around, standing about, and of course dancing.

Jeans shorts, tanks, flowy dresses, bicycle shorts, and cargo pants are all good options. Keep in mind you can go as crazy as your imagination lets you and still probably be dressed down compared to others.

Also remember tan lines...whatever you wear day one will probably result in tan lines for day two. Kelsey wore adorable fishnet stockings early on and luckily only had a very slight tan line the next day.

Trekking Boots

We cannot reiterate enough that Coachella is located in the desert and as such you are surrounded by a lot of dirt. Add that into the amount of walking you'll be doing and boots will be your best friend.

If your heart is really set on sandals then go for it but trust us when we say boots or even gym shoes are a much better choice. Your feet will thank you by the end of the night when they are blister free and much cleaner than an open-toe choice.

Sandals seem fun until your feet are getting dirty from all the dust and dirt. The temperatures also drop once the sun goes down and it gets cold quick making boots an even better option.

While we're on the topic of having to walk more quick tip to surviving Coachella is to look at the map that is provided to you. We added in a lot more walking because we forgot to check which roads are closed to cars and which ones are closed to pedestrians.

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There are several items you'll want in tow and having a bag will be your best friend. We suggest a bookbag since it's easier to lug around.

Really any bag works but we suggest a more minimalist bag that will fit the essentials but not be too bulky. Kelsey varied from a small black bookbag or a small Adidas fanny bag as a cross over bag.

Coachella does have a few security checkpoints where you'll go through metal detectors, get patted down and have your bag checked. Try not to overstuff your bag so much it takes the workers forever to search through everything.


There are water stations on the Coachella ground so make sure to bring an empty water bottle or water pack to refill during the day. You can bring it filled through security so make sure it's empty when you arrive.

If you end up going with the goal to see as many bands as possible you'll be outside facing the elements from about 11 in the afternoon to way past midnight. During this time you'll need to rehydrate and often.

Kelsey borrowed Phil's collapsible water bottle which was perfect. It fit in her fanny pack when it was compacted then she filled it up as soon as they got to the fair grounds.


Coachella is a long day of standing and walking and at some point, you'll want a break. Pack a small blanket that you can use to sit on.

There is grass but it's being trampled all day and weekend long plus it can get a bit itchy. It's also nice if you get food to have a place for eating.

We highly suggest using the Coachella app to decide what musicians to watch. There are many stages and times to choose from.

After creating a tentative watching schedule with the app we were able to lay the blanket out and set ourselves up to enjoy the performance. The blanket also gives you a zone around you which comes in handy as people will be constantly walking around.

Kelsey brought a small travel blanket that we always take us with us when we travel. It works great for planes but also was perfect for Coachella since it takes up very little space when folded up.


Oh, the desert, one of those lovely places where it's miserably hot in the day with the sun shining down that windy and freezing at night after the sun goes down. Since Coachella is indeed in the dessert you need to plan and pack some layering options. We each packed sweat pants and a light jacket for every day we were there.

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Sun Screen

For the love of all that is holy PLEASE bring sunscreen. We cannot stress enough that you are in the desert!

Even if you are someone who never gets burned, sunscreen still prevents skin cancer. We prefer a mineral sunscreen but anything is a good idea with all the hours you will be logging under the rays.

Bathroom Essentials

There are some bathrooms with plumbing and several Portalette stations. But keep in mind there are so many people attending Coachella so be expecting lines and for items to run out.

We suggest bringing

With these items packed away you'll be prepared for any situations that the crowded bathrooms of Coachella might bring upon you. By the end of the night, most bathrooms are out or running seriously low on essentials so having your own will be a life saver.

Have Fun Surviving Coachella

Coachella really is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You get to enjoy so many artists all packed into one weekend.

The vibe is unlike anything else you'll ever encounter. Everyone seems to be in a great mood and is just happy to dress a little crazy and dance the night away in the desert.

They sell alcohol so you can plan on getting a little toasted if that's what you're into. It's quite pricy but so is everything else which makes sense for the type of event that is Coachella.

Keep in mind that weed is recreationally legal in California but is not sold at the event. We're also pretty sure the official policy is that you cannot bring it in.

There are some fun videos online on how people snuck in joints in the hair or other random areas. Again, keep in mind, you pass through a few security checkpoints and will be patted down so do with this information what you want.

Have fun in the desert and as always be safe. Use the buddy system and just enjoy yourself!