Reasons to Use a Carrier With a Cat in the Car

Cat in the Car while on a road trip

We always use a travel carrier when we have a cat in the car. This is something we've done for the past 6 years of full-time traveling and swear by it.

We've met other travelers who let their fur babies roam free but for us, we think it's way better to use a cat carrier for our two cats. Our way isn't how everybody does it but we think it's something everyone should consider.

There are several reasons why it can be extremely helpful and overall safer to use a carrier anytime you have to transport your cat in a car. If we're traveling across the country with the cats or just heading to the vet, the boys are safe and sound in the carrier.

Two cats cuddling while on a road tripWe're not here to tell people "hey do this or else..." but we do want to give you something to think about. We may feel strongly one way but we completely understand that every cat is different.

We also want to make it clear we're not trying to "scare" anybody into using a cat carrier. As with all of our posts, we are giving our honest opinion and some of the information about safety might seem sad but it's something everyone traveling with a cat needs to think about.

The hope is that after reading this post, you'll give more consideration to using a cat carrier for a road trip. And who knows, it might be one of those things where once you switch the travel carrier life you won't believe you ever did it any other way.

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Safety for the Cat in the Car

We love our fur babies and see them as our family so it's no surprise their safety is extremely important to us. By using a soft cat carrier for traveling, we've found it helps us ensure their safety during the entire trip.

Preventing a Cat Escape

Road trips involve a lot of getting in and out of the car. You stop for gas, plan out bathroom breaks at rest stops, have to check in to hotels, the list can go on and on.

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With all these stops you have to open up your car door and if your cat is roaming freely they can easily make a break for it. Not that all cats are constantly trying to run away or anything but they're curious.

And you all know that saying...curiosity           the cat. You are constantly surrounded by other vehicles while traveling and this becomes dangerous during car trips with cats.

In seconds they can jump out of the car and it's too risky to get them back safe with so many people around. It only takes a moment for a car to pull up at the same time your cat makes their big escape.


We hate talking about this part because it makes us sad to even consider it, but unfortunately, car accidents are a part of life. Even if you are the world's best driver, accidents can happen at no fault of your own.

The idea of how a pet would endure a car accident didn't even cross our minds until we met someone who told us their personal story of being hit by a car.

It was devastating to learn that the animals present in the car did not make it. Pets are so small they are more vulnerable to injuries so we must do everything we can to mitigate this risk.

We use a soft cat carrier and position it in the car so it's stable and will not move. This way if any impact is to occur we know they will be as secure as possible.

cat carrier with two cats on a road trip

Safety For You

If you give your cats free roam of your car, you are adding in another variable when it comes to driving safety. The cat could panic and put both you and them in a bad position.

Your cat could accidentally scratch you and distract you from the road for even a second. But in today's world, even a second can be disastrous.

Cats also seem to have a knack for going where they're not supposed to be. They could try to hide under the brake or find other ways to distract you.

Basically, anything that takes your attention away from the road can be dangerous, and having a cat carrier is an easy way to avoid this.

Pet carrier calming down cats in the car

Ease of Cat Transportation

Travel cats in a soft pet carrier while traveling with catsLong car rides with cats involve a lot of in and outs. Going in and out of the car and going in and out of hotels.

Especially when traveling with multiple cats, having a cat carrier makes it so much easier. Without it, you're basically herding cats which we all know is impossible.

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We love having the travel carrier when taking our cats on a road trip because it makes everything easier. When we get to a hotel, we just pick up the crate and go.

Calming for the Cat

Cat toe beans pushed against a soft cat carrierBy giving your cat a carrier, you are giving them their own space to relax. It can be hard to calm down a cat in the car but we've found having their pet carrier really helps.

We make their carrier very homey with their cat bed, toys, and even more pillows and blankets. This way they can sit back and be chill, calm cats the entire road trip.

Typically our cats get comfy then take a nap for the entire road trip. We also have enough items that if they start getting scared, they can easily hide in their crate which seems to help.

Time Outside the Pet Carrier

Cats in the car during a long road tripOkay, before someone jumps into the comment section with "wait, we've seen your pictures, your cats are not always in the pet carrier", the answer is yes. We do give our cats time outside their carrier in the car.

If we are driving over 6-8 hours, we make sure to give our cats a bathroom break. We are very careful when we do this and make sure the car is parked safely in a spot as far away from others as possible.

Once the car is safe and parked we let the cats out of their carrier. During this time the doors are locked and we do not leave the car.

We used to buy a travel litter box for the car (a disposable version) but now just use their typical boxes. We put the box down behind the passenger seat and give the cats plenty of time to use it...if they want to.

There has also been a time when we were on the road stuck in a traffic jam. Due to a shooting on the highway, the road was shut down for hours.

We felt it was only fair to let the cats out for a bit. Again though, every car was stopped for the foreseeable future and we did not open the car doors.

How to Choose a Cat Carrier

If you don't already own a travel carrier we have some suggestions on what to look for. We use a foldable version that we love but feel free to look for other options.

Probably most importantly you want a cat carrier that is big enough for your pet to stand up and walk around. If you have more than one pet, go for an even bigger option.

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We also suggest opting for a soft option instead of a hard carrier. Again, this is just for their safety and comfort.

Cats sleeping in a carrier during a long car ride

Please Consider Using a Carrier in the Car

We strongly suggest everyone uses a cat carrier for any car trip with a cat. Hopefully, after reading this, you'll see where we're coming from and why we feel this way.

There are probably some cats out there that absolutely despise a carrier so we get that it might be more traumatic to use one. In this case, we understand having to weigh the risks and benefits and why you might opt out of using a carrier.

For the most part, cats would be better off hanging out in a nice, large soft crate in the back seat napping the day away.

Cats napping in a carrier with text - Using a travel carrier during road trips with cats